Chapter 59-Known As Departed

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Chapter 59
Known As Departed

Lucien POV

"Calm down, babe, otherwise you'll have a panic attack when he actually comes" Alexei says and takes my hand into his. "You're shaking. Do I need to cancel this meeting, is this too much for you right now?"

"No" I yelp, my eyes widening at the thought of backing away now.

We have come this far and it's enough to go all the way through, okay. I'm just overreacting, nothing new.

Yesterday morning at decent hour, after arriving to Portamadeira at night, I called Kyler again to inform about the change of plans. Change of location, precisely.

He was already in New York on Sunday evening, wanting to be ready to meet us whenever it's alright. Damn, I don't know yet what to think of his enthusiasm. If he's actually my father, I get it. If he's some creepy stalker or something, it's...creepy.

I told him I'm in Portamadeira for work, and he said it's no problem and he flew to this city today morning. We agreed on a dinner date at 6 PM and that is what Alexei and I are waiting for currently.

We're in the set restaurant waiting for Kyler's arrival. To be fair, I made Alexei and me come here fifteen minutes early, and it's 5.59 PM right now.

Our table is private and Alexei's bodyguards are inside this place also. I'm watching the front door of the restaurant like a hawk, for a man looking like my father.

Honestly, I know Kyler can't be a total creep. He gave us his Facebook and he looks almost exactly like my father, Kyrie.


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It's a family picture, one I've seen before. I give the picture back and he puts it back to its place like it's a precious treasure.

He's emotional, I'm emotional and Alexei has backed off to give us this chance.

Kyler is being truthful and who he says he is, I can't deny or get around it in anyway. His eyes prove it and I can sense a connection. My dad is still alive.

This is still another man, I need time to get used to this situation and to him. But I'll give him a chance. Kyler seems already much friendlier than Kyrie.


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"Five minutes top" Alexei says blankly, kisses me so that my lips tingle because of it and then walks out of the room, closing the door behind him.

My face is still flushed as I turn to Kyler who is finished looking around and smiles at me.

"You certainly have a nice home here, I'm happy to see for myself."

"I don't k-know if I-I can really call t-this home, i-it's too much" I say and he chuckles in agreement. "My home i-is in Midland, w-where my parents- I-I mean..."

"It's okay, August, those people are your parents and I'd like to meet them and see your home, too, someday."

I smile, relieved and delighted. "I'd l-like that, too. You c-can come with u-us when I go there a-again, i-if you want."

"It would be a pleasure, just tell me when. I want to personally thank them for raising you into such a good person."

"You d-don't know yet if I-I'm as good a-as y-you make me sound" I say, both shy and amused.

However, Daddy and Papa do deserve the thanks for everything and trying to raise me from the small, traumatized boy they picked up from the park.

Kyler laughs. "Let's just say you give that vibe. I hope we make it for me to see how right I think I am."

Our conversation soon starts to die and Alexei joins us, most likely when it's been one second less than five minutes.


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It's already past 9 PM, so I let myself get sleepy in his arms. My mind still wanders to one thing, though, which has become a bother since realizing it.

"Y-you know what I r-realized today?" I query, lifting my head from his chest listening to his heartbeat evenly. Let's go with today, he doesn't need to know how and when.

"What?" Alexei asks, his eyes half closed.

"We've b-been together a-all this time, pretend a-and for real, and w-we haven't been on a-a d-date at all."

I blush under the comical stare his eyes open into followed by a grunt.

"Dates are just for silly, lovesick teenagers" Alexei says. His other arm goes under his head and his other arm stay around me.

No, dates are for first getting to know the other person and then later on, to keep the relationship exciting and to give each other time.

But of course, Alexei would think something like that.

I sigh. "Oh. Well, I-I am one, remember? I m-mean, a-a teenager. And n-not even a nineteen w-who will soon turn twenty, o-out of teens, but eighteen."

Alexei smirks and slaps my butt. "Such a kiddo."

"I'm not a-a kid, o-otherwise our relationship a-and what you just now did would be v-very wrong" I point out and giggle when he chuckles.

"You're still my baby boy. Fine, I can see some date fishing here so let's catch one, alright? I'll arrange one soon, the rest is a surprise. Right now yet for me too."


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