Chapter 17-In The Magazine

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Chapter 17
In The Magazine

Lucien POV


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Joy rolls her eyes. "It's the newest fashion magazine number, the fall season collection and November edition" she tells me. "It came out should come out like the first of November but as yesterday was Sunday, the second day. And you're in it."

My heart jumps and I feel a lump in my throat. I'm in it? I'm already in public?

"Oh my god with you" Dawn sighs dramatically, takes the magazine and browses the pages until she finds what she's looking for. "There."

I take the magazine again, more than less nervous, and look with wide eyes. There is an almost one whole page photo of me, modeling the jacket when we had that photo shoot outdoors, my first time.

I almost don't recognize myself. First, I really look like a girl and also taller, because of the angle of the photo. And in every other way too, I'm different. I almost think I...I...look alright. But you can still recognize it's me.

"And..." Joy says taking the magazine, browsing few pages and gives it back to me. "...there."

Another photo of me from the park time, smaller but clear, with other models like it's in a fashion magazine.

"And lastly but definitely my favorite" Dawn says and soon shows me a page, where are two pairs, Alexei and me and two other models, a male and female.

I stare. The other pair or couple, has the male shirtless and with black jeans, and the female with clothes I call underwear. Something like what I was almost forced to wear. What has this to do with fall?

Their photo is very, uh...intimate and suggestive, and something I don't want to look at. But these photos and things sell and give a good picture and popularity to the business, these days. Ridiculous.

Alexei and my photo, well... He's also shirtless and with jeans shorts on, like I saw about over a week ago live. I have the tight jeans shorts and an open from the front, sleeveless top shirt. I haven't been confident enough yet to be topless. Our photo isn't as intimate but we were close and touching. Dawn says it's hot. Huh.

Gays aren't a problem reportedly, it's in fact another one of those marketing methods and normal. Nobody should be used like this. At that photo I'm visibly flat-chested and for the tight's a sensual shot.

I'm sideways in front of Alexei, other hand on my hip and the other hand on the same side's shoulder. He's leaning his elbow on my empty shoulder, and on the photo it looks like my back touches his chest...I didn't really lean against him, but so close it was made to look like I am.

"Great shot, huh?" a deep voice snaps me back from my thoughts and I look next to me. It's a smirking Alexei who puts his arm around my shoulders.

"You're going to be famous" Dawn exclaims ever so excitedly and hugs me.

"W-With t-this?" I ask nervously and glance at the photo. "This i-is -"

"This is the official beginning of your career and people will love you" Dawn says. "You look so hot and gorgeous, and you'll see I'm right. You've got this in you, Lucy. Right, guys?"


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I'm in my thoughts again and suddenly out of the blue there comes two girls, around my age maybe or younger, who stop Alexei and me.

"Are - are you Alexei Portwin?" one of the girls asks, with blonde hair and wide and...admiring eyes, to say the least.

"Yeah, that's me" Alexei says smiling, surely used to these identifications. Then their eyes turn to me and they give a short scream. Girls...

"Oh my god, and you're Lucien Feywin, right?" the other girl who has almost red hair asks, trying to control herself. "His boyfriend and one of the models in the newest Modeldas magazine?"


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Well...'a picture' turns into few more. First, our backs toward the lake shore, Alexei puts his arm around my waist and I put my arm around him, extremely nervous but manage to smile to the camera. So that we look like a couple...which we are. Our height difference is funny but others think it's cute.

Second and third picture, us two and in between us first the blonde girl and then the red girl. And which surprises me completely, they both want to take a picture of just me and them, making it fourth and fifth. Then they thank us again, smiling and all over hysterical, and go away.

"I thought you didn't like cameras" Alexei says, snapping me out of staring at the girls walking away.

I look at him and he's smirking. "I d-don't" I say.

"Fine. Why did you say 'that's alright', then?"


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