Chapter 13-With You

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Chapter 13
With You

Lucien POV


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"But I-I d-don't even w-want to go to any s-stupid p-party" I say sharply, feeling suddenly claustrophobic in the room and scared just with the two of us. "T-There has to b-be some other w-way, I'm not doing t-that. Isn't my b-boyfriend and bodyguard enough to keep me s-safe?"

Mr. Blumenfeld smirks. "You don't know people here, trust me. No, and that's the rule here. What are you so afraid of, huh? It's just sex and tomorrow before evening we'll get you ready" there is a short silence and then he sighs. "People have to know who and whose you are. This is a good thing for you, Lucien, come on. So many are envious of you being the one sleeping with Alexei, and even more dating" I sit down tensely, trying not to show my fright and trembling. His observing eyes pierces right through me, and suddenly he chuckles. "Oh my. Would it be that you're a virgin? Don't tell me with your looks you still are."

I blush involuntarily. "N-None of y-your b-business."

"Actually, this is my business exactly. So, that's why you're so off about this. Look, this is the deal and I'm having a meeting here in five minutes. Alexei will do good with you, relax."

Then I'm dismissed without able to protest, without any say again. Yeah, I'm important to him but not that important for him to delay his meetings for me.


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After drying my cheeks and breathing deeply, I open the door and my heart jump almost up my throat. No... Alexei is the last of them I need to see right now. This isn't happening...

"Hey" he says casually, and I notice how he tries not to check me out too long or obviously. If he knows like most likely he does, he must be disappointed. It's one thing and bad enough for him to have a stage boyfriend as he isn't gay or bi for all I know. But to have to do that with me, it's another. "You didn't come down to dinner."

"Wasn't h-hungry" I shortly say and start to close the door as hint.

"May I come in?" he asks, glancing down and I only then notice the tray of food he's carrying.

"W-What if I s-said no?" I frown.

"Then you need to come out I guess, I ain't leaving you until we eat" he smirks.

I take a deep breath, not feeling too good at all. "Listen, I-I just need to b-be alone f-for, you know l-like, you know, r-right now."

"Mr. Blumenfeld talked with you today about something, didn't he?" Alexei shoots, and the stupid and silly me blushes again. I look down not daring to meet his eyes and nod as little as possible but that he sees. "Uh-huh. Step back."


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"As much as that'd be a possibility, I can't. And really, I don't want to miss this chance with you. Hey, don't look like that, babe. I may not have been with a virgin before, but I can make this special too. Let it not to be even thought that Alexei Portwin can't make the time count and you want even more."

I give a desperate, unbelieving laugh. "W-Well, with t-that ego don't e-expect too much f-from me."

He shifts and then suddenly he's shoulder against my shoulder, so close to me and touching that it makes me freeze. My mind screams to run, but I can't move even a finger.

"You maybe won't believe it and I'm not understanding it either, but I'm so attracted to you right now it's not even funny" he says so huskily and quietly next to me, it sends shivers through my entire body and my breath gets caught in my throat.

How I'm starting to feel more and more, I do not want to feel. I do not want to be attracted to Alexei, not even the amount before, but now my body is betraying me. I do not want this... I don't want this...

"Let me help you relax to the flow, I can be gentle -" he puts his arm around my shoulders and breathing against my neck adds in a low voice "- with you."

This place is seriously messing up my mind. I actually think his voice sounds suddenly ever so sexy, and instead of feeling like being trapped in his hold, I can almost say it feels good. But Alexei and 'gentle' can't be in the same sentence. Nuh-uh.

Or so I thought. Whatever Alexei is doing, it works on me. Well, if I have to go through this and he manages to make me feel crazy and almost like good, then whatever. In the end, it doesn't take too much to get me into it. I'm learning already new sensations and reactions.

The next thing I notice is his lips against mine and I don't know what to do. I feel dirty and wrong, Alexei being that much older than me. He's a year older than my parents, he's around their age.

But this...Alexei isn't old at all. He isn't an old man, like I kinda thought my parents are. It's just because they're my parents. With Alexei, it's different.

I, somehow, want to kiss back but there is still some sanity left in me. However when he really starts kissing me, his strong scent and soft but firm lips moving against mine flushes even that little away.


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