Chapter 27-Welcome To Portamadeira

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Chapter 27
Welcome To Portamadeira

Lucien POV

It's almost 5 PM when we finally land in Portamadeira's airport. Alexei and I have switched seats, so he's now watching out the window but with a frown on his otherwise neutral expression.

When he doesn't move as we're allowed to and I don't dare to before him, I clear my throat awkwardly. Phew, that gets his attention and his frown melts when he meets my anxious, confused look at him.

"Are...a-are y-you o-okay?" I ask timidly, almost whispering.

Alexei nods and then sighs. "I'm just thinking about you."

"Me?" I blush, taken aback.

"Lucien, I don't know if I should have warned you beforehand but you need to know what is going to happen when we step out of this jet" he says so seriously that I gulp. "In this city, my home city, my family is considered with the same attention as to a royal family from its people, I'd describe it so. I wish it wasn't so, but it is. As my older sister is already married and I'm the next oldest, the public and my family too is waiting for me to settle down, so just try to ignore that sort of comments about you and me. I'll try to not leave you alone with them, because I know how they can get. When we exit this jet, we will have a short moment out in the public as they know I've come back home after over two months, but just tell me somehow if it gets too overwhelming and we will leave. Are you okay, how does this sound?"


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And the crowd including the local press behind the crowd control stanchions and security guards start to shout requests of poses and for us to look at their cameras, throwing their questions at the same time.

I do my best how I have been taught and to follow Alexei's lead, even if my heart is pounding almost painfully. I put on my smile just like I had put on these clothes earlier. My mind kind of shuts down, like it usually does so I can handle this.

Soon enough, a female asks for a kissing picture and I blush, making them awe which makes me even more flushed. Alexei lowers his gaze into mine as if a quick, silent question if it's okay and I nod, I mean...what else can I do?

We have kissed a few times before, that's okay with me as it's short and only that. It's just a peck, to prove them that we really are a couple. Hah.

Alexei, with his arm already around my waist, lowers his head and I step onto my tippy toes so we reach to press our lips together right before our eyes close for a brief moment. I let him lead and do what he sees alright, I don't recognize feeling anything else than embarrassment.

Before the people get crazy, or more crazy than they apparently are already, we part and soon enough with me by his side, Alexei Portwin is giving interviews for a while and answers to the press about the holiday, coming back home and...and me, too.


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"Uncle Alex" one of the boys screams with a grin and they all surround Alexei which forces our handhold to break but I step back discreetly and watch as Alexei greets...and hugs the kids too. When they acknowledge my presence and look at me and Alexei in turns, Alexei clears his throat still smiling.

"Kiddos, I want you to meet my boyfriend Lucien" he says and gives me a side hug when I blush and the kids look at me suddenly very oddly. "Lucien, these are my nephews Jensel and James and niece Kyla."

"Boyfriend? But she's a girl" Jensel says looking at Alexei like his uncle was being silly. I roll my eyes, mentally only though.

"No, Lucien is a boy and I have a boyfriend" Alexei says, confusing them.

"But father and auntie Kailyn have told us you have a girlfriend and that she's coming with you today" James says.

Amazing. I see. So, Alexei's brother and sister at least doesn't like me so far, either my gender or just me. They didn't want their kids to know Alexei is dating a guy.


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I look at Alexei questioningly at the mention of the party I haven't been told about, and he clears his throat.

"I'm sorry, I forgot to tell you that there's this party my parents are having the evening before Thanksgiving Day, starting tonight at 6" Alexei tells me and I nod and look away again.

"You forgot to tell him about the Thanksgiving Party?" Danica asks astonished and as if rebuking, making me agree with her in my mind and almost smile when I notice Alexei's guilty expression.

"What, yes I did, it's like tradition to us and I kinda forgot because to me it's so obvious" Alexei defends himself and then looks down at me. "I'm sorry, but you'll be fine as long as you stay with me." I blush and Danica and Cori aww at me and I can feel the other two's glares at me. "Oh, by the way, Kailyn and Arild, I want to have a word with you both. Have a quick moment?"

They nod stiffly and after telling me I'll be fine for a while with mother and Cori, Alexei smiles and makes room for himself between Kailyn and Arild who stand next to each other, puts his arms around their shoulders and walks with them to another room.

"Let's go to the living room, dear, and you tell me about yourself now that we finally got the chance to meet Alexei's steady partner" Danica says cheerily with a warm smile to which I find myself smiling timidly back to. She didn't say partner any negatively and she wants to know about me, maybe she's okay with me?

Something about her is already so familiar, something what I haven't felt in many years. I suppose, it's because she's a mother.


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