Chapter 44-Fire In The Blizzard

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Chapter 44
Fire In The Blizzard

Lucien POV


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"She didn't" Dawn snorts amused, talking with whoever was on the phone. "She didn't! Oh my God, she didn't. She couldn't!"

I let out an unintentional giggle out loud, making her attention turn to me for a second. "Maybe t-that's w-why she d-didn't."

She rolls her eyes at my quiet remark but smiles as well. While I let her talk, I notice the snow has got much heavier during my shower and it's windy, too. Way too much of both for my comfort.

While thinking of something to do before soon leaving downstairs for lunch, the door opens and Alexei comes in...looking rather funny.

Yeah, Dawn and I came up to my room little earlier than the rest of our gang. Even big old Alexei participated in the childishness that just happened outdoors, and he got it bad.

Alexei has taken his coat off but that doesn't help much, his shirt and pants are wet and also his hair is a wet mess. Still a hot mess.

He has a big grin on his face, though, so at least he enjoyed himself. He really did, I even witnessed that. It's nice to see all these people can be silly too in here. Although only sometimes, and Christmas is apparently one of those times.

Good, but I still can't wait to go home for this holiday.

"They got you good, now didn't they?" Dawn asked him with a laugh, having muted the phone conversation for a moment to take in Alexei's appearance.

"Yup" Alexei says with a grin, hanging his coat to dry. "That was way out of line childish, but I guess we all needed it. I'm just changing my clothes and then we can go to lunch."

"What? N-no, you n-need to take a-a hot shower so y-you w-won't get sick" I blurt out and blush when both Dawn and Alexei look at me.

"Huh, worried about me?" The latter queries with a smirk forming on his lips.

I shake my head. "No, no, I-I can't go home i-if y-you get sick, i-is a-all."


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I have a freaking good hearing so I hear the wind whistling outside and it makes my breath get erratic. Alexei pauses the movie because I'm not watching, causing me to hear the outside clearer, and is calling me to sit back up but I find myself get alarmingly lightheaded. I don't do good with storms, I overreact but I'm seriously scared.

Alexei is quiet for a moment and then sighs, playing the movie again. I think he gives up on me but the next thing I know is he takes the blankets off me in a swift move and grabs me to sit over his lap, straddling him with wide eyes and pink cheeks covered in some silent, traitorous tears. This is when I notice I'm shivering as well.

"You like me, don't you?" Alexei asks out of the blue. My breath gets stuck in my throat and my cheeks flush more and I feel like my hands that are touching his clothed chest are burning again. "I mean, in a romantic way. You're attracted to me."

"No, n-no, no, I-I don't" I say as quickly as I can, shaking my head to emphasize my words but it just makes this jerk to smirk. "I m-mean, I-I d-don't hate y-you but..."

"Huh, if you don't hate me, you must love me eh?" He questions teasingly.

That makes me want to both slap him and hide myself under the bed now even more. Where is this coming from all of a sudden?! He...he can't know about my feelings.

"Hardly! There's n-no necessity t-to go t-that f-far. What are y-you talking a-about?"

"This is just something I'm suspecting and I want an answer now because it's bothering me quite a lot, Lucien. I don't blame you for liking me" he says and I'm about to huff at his last remark but he continues speaking. "You're just a kid compared to me, however lately I find you anything but a kid. I shouldn't but I like you...and I hope I'm right about you liking me back."

I don't even crack a smile at his joke. He's got me distracted but he won't fool me like this.

"P-please, don't m-make fun o-of me."

"I'm not making fun of you, I apologize but I feel like this needs to be cleared out. I'm serious."

" like m-me?" I whisper shocked, unable to tear my gaze off his eyes. They're sincere, confusing me the most because he's not joking.

This is suddenly a very intimate, solemn moment.

He groans. "Yes, more than you or even I could ever imagine. Now, I know you enough to not expect you to say it back but I will know whether or not you like me too if you kiss me back."

Kiss? Kiss him back? What does that me-

My thoughts and questions are cut off as he leans forward and connects softly our lips. I gasp, not expecting any of this at all, but he only pushes his lips stronger against mine, strong enough to feel it but not so it would hurt.

My eyes flicker, not knowing whether to close or stay open. All sorts of feelings, emotions and sensations go through me...stronger than ever before. I'm on fire...blissful fire. My body aches to respond and do more. Alexei Portwin is kissing me like he means it. Not for a picture, not for the public, but out of his own will. And he just said he likes me.

The decision turns out simple. I haven't yet pulled away, so testing me Alexei flicks his tongue against my lower lip. He wants this...and I want this...why not? Shyly I start to kiss him back, answering his question with it.


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He sucks in a deep breath, with a small smile. "Lucien, you always have the right to say no or you need more time. But I need to ask you this, okay. I like you, more than I yet understand and I have never felt like this before. You're special, to me too. I can't fight it, it just gets stronger when I tried. Will...will you be my boyfriend?"

"As i-in..."

"As in behind the stage too, and exclusive? Yes. Let me be frank, since you came into this picture, I haven't been able to sleep around like I used to. Fuck, I have tried but it's no use. You're everywhere with me, physically or in my mind. It's been like I'm cheating on you. I only want you and take care of you, even more than I've done so far. I don't do relationships but with you I want to... I care about you a lot and you're too sexy for a guy. I understand if you're not ready or don't want to or our age difference is creepy, but I need your answer. Will you be my boyfriend?"

"Yes" I whisper with a small smile at his speech, and that's the only answer that there really is.


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