Chapter 23-Going Black But Still Going

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Chapter 23
Going Black But Still Going

Lucien POV


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I'm mortified. When Alexei left our room for breakfast, in tears I quickly got up to dress into my pajamas and go to pee and brush my teeth, but then hurried back under covers. That Ron was the only one else to see me like that, and of course the doctor reportedly, but still I don't dare go out this room.

Nuh-uh. I'm not going out, it's too embarrassing. I'm such a fool, I won't eat again either. Who knows what drugs get sneaked into it again, eating those damn chocolates caused this. Candace is everywhere. I hear Dawn sigh and stand up from sitting on the bedside.

"Okay, if you don't get up I have to ask Mr. Blumenfeld here" she says, making my eyes widen.

"No, d-don't p-please!" I jump up to sit leaving the blanket surrounding me with comfort.

"But Lucy, I have to if you won't even come out of bed" Dawn says softly with a sad face, she knows what happened. "It'll be okay, you're not left alone anywhere and just eat what's safe, the food for everybody in the dining hall is."

"I-I'm s-scared" I admit with tears starting to leak again from my already puffy and ugly eyes.


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"Feeling unwell, do you need a doctor?" He queries, and I shake my head.

"No, t-there is n-no need a-anymore, I-I'm fine" I say quietly.

"Well, if you feel uncomfortable again I want you to be checked, next week will be easy but still important to you work wise" Mr. Blumenfeld says making me nod. "Now to the other thing why I called you both in. It's time for you two to join our, Modeldas' instagram family."

"Instagram family?" Rian repeats questioningly, and I don't like where this is going.

"Yes, Liesbet will make an account for both of you and then supervised until otherwise told you'll admin it, post pictures and for example inform your fans of upcoming things in which you are" Mr. Blumenfeld tells us. "It's modern and it gives you and us advertisement. Now, let's get this over with as we have few more similar cases after you. Liesbet, you take over while I check my emails."

15 minutes later, Rian and I have our own accounts in instagram of which I have only heard a lot about before now. Daddy has a photography account there because of his business so I know but I haven't had interest in making an account myself.

Now both Rian and I have two pictures, one chosen by Liesbet from modeling photo shoots and the other one a casual photo like a selfie we just took. She edits the selfies like puts a little make up and such, which I think is ridiculous.

My 'fans' will see that edited picture, not the real me...although Liesbet doesn't edit it too much fortunately, it still looks like me in my uncomfortableness.

I have access to my account supervised, as I could use the connection wrong. Mr. Blumenfeld still doesn't trust me to let me off and to be honest I don't trust myself either.


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I freeze, my heart hammering against my chest while I try assure myself it's just Alexei but I curl myself better under the covers as if that would make me invisible. I hear something being put on the bedside table but I'm still too nervous to come out to see. What if it's not...

"That's not good enough of a hiding place, Lucien, you're not flat enough" Alexei's muffled voice because of the blanket over me pierces my ringing ears from nerves and anticipation. I do my best to relax, it is him and I don't have anything to worry about. I'm okay. "Come up, I brought you something to eat. It's just pizza, allowed on weekends."

I uncover myself and look skeptically at the huge plate of fresh looking pizza and he also brought a full bottle of water.

Even if I appreciate his...why ever he does this, I can't eat. Just thinking about eating reminds me of how I ate the chocolates last night and it was poisoned. I don't think Alexei would try anything like that but I have no trust.

"Come on, you need to eat something" he continues as I keep my gaze and don't move. He sounds frustrated and I hate to annoy him but I'm scared. "If anything happens, I'm here at first so you won't fall dead, okay? I had it made in the kitchen and I watched it's good so you're fine."

"I-I'm n-not h-hungry, I'm s-sorry" I whisper, my eyes stinging in danger of crying but I force myself not to, not wanting to look any more pathetic.

"Either you eat and try or then get out of my room, your choice" Alexei says defiantly and disappears to the bathroom.

I...I can't lose this room, I'll be out in the corridor and I rather risk this than risk losing a room.

I know Alexei is waiting for me as he stays in the bathroom after flushing and washing his hands, and eventually that makes me more anxious than the food he personally brought...thinking about me, so I sit up properly and take the plate to my lap and take a slice.

It's good, but so were, I shake my head and take another small bite, then look up timidly at Alexei who reappears with a small, approving smile on his face.

"Nice, you're still alive and having a great luxury room in here" he says teasing me, making me roll my eyes despite the situation. 


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