"I do. I need to. They're family,"

"You say they?"

"Ashton, Viola, and Ava,"

I saw a smile on Viola's face, because I hadn't spoken to her in person. However, she seemed so welcoming and warm- they both did- and I trusted her.

I sat back down and took a drink, watching as Ashton had to get up. They were being protective about this case, getting everyone up, and it made me anxious.

"Ashton Irwin. You made the decision to foster him quickly?"

"Not at all. It wasn't taken lightly, but we want this and are aware of what the situation needs,"

"And will you adopt him in the future?"


"And when will he be moving in?"

"As soon as his new room is painted and decorated," 

"You'll treat him ay? How many children do you currently have?"

"Just the one, Ava,"

"Well perhaps we could hear from her too,"

They swapped and she looked across the room, a warm smile entering my face. Everyone could tell this was not something she intended to do, her shaking hands gripping the podium as she got there.

"Ava, you were crying before entering- why?"

"I thought Marcus wouldn't be allowed to come,"

"And why is that?"

"Well I thought you maybe would say no,"

"And that would make you really upset?"

"Yeah. I want my older brother,"

"Well, I don't believe I have any good reason to upset you so much, or have you apart any longer. I rule this valid- you now have custody,"

Just like that, a weight was lifted off my shoulder, Ava left the podium and I got up, pulling her into a hug. I started to cry, clutching onto her like she would leave me again, and placing soft kisses on her head.

"She can't breathe in there," Ashton laughed, opening his arms for me.

"Can I call you dad?" I whispered, wiping my tears.

"It would be a pleasure, Marcus. If you want to move sooner, you can stay at my friend's houses and get to know them too,"

"Can I just move in when you're ready?"

"Definitely. We are painting the rooms and putting a bed in as soon as possible. Decorations can come after as long as you're home,"


"Mum," I whispered, my voice breaking as dad let go and I walked towards her.

"You're so brave,"

"I'm sorry we didn't see each other,"

"That's okay, remember, we have our whole lives to do that now,"

I held onto her tightly, resting my head on her shoulder. I honestly felt like I could tell her anything, and the thought of me finally having a mum was so overwhelming. Both Ash and Viola talked about raw emotions, and I had never had a figure in my life that openly spoke about it, so quickly.

"We are going round town," my foster parents said, "so you can have some time together,"

"Why don't we go to our new house and decide where we want our furniture. My friends, gosh I love them, they have collected and moved in our new sofa, and some of our colleagues supplied us with new pots and pans,"

I laughed and nodded, wiping my tears. Ava and I stood together while they signed a lot of papers, but then we were free to go.

When we parked at the house I expected to drive past, I was gobsmacked. This was big enough to have our own room and a spare room.

"The living room is staying white, the kitchen is staying pale blue- every other room is changing,"

"What is my room?" Ava asked, holding my hand. She was keeping hold of me as much as possible because I had to leave again.

"It's a surprise, but a good one,"

"We have a dining room," I smiled, "look at the garden,"

It was patio, then a large grassy area that was perfect for football.

"There is a bathroom down here, Ava why don't you go with mum to see upstairs?"


Dad turned to me and we sat on the sofa, excitement in both of us. 

"Now, Marcus, we have an attic and we have a basement that we are changing. I think Ava wants the attic really, but we want you to have your own private place to cool down,"

"I can have my room,"

"Well I was thinking, since my Christmas present was a bit pants... would you like a gaming place set up?"

"Like an Xbox?"

"Yeah. I mean, I can't say Ava and her friends won't want to use the TV to watch films, and you might want to use the attic to read as it is away, but the space is primarily for you,"

"Is it not cold?"

"It isn't quite a basement anymore, the last people used it as something too. There are carpets, insulation and painted walls. It is just out of the way, and I know that we are a family who do a lot together, so alone time is important,"

I nodded and hugged him again, "thankyou,"

We went up to my room and it was massive, so I decided where I wanted my desk and bed. The wardrobe was built in, and there was a bathroom that Ava and I both had access to.

"We are getting decorations, but if you don't like them when you come then just say,"

"I wish I could come now,"

"The painters are here this week. Your bed is arriving, and I promise Marcus, we won't waste anytime,"

Mum and Ava joined us, creating a huge group hug. I laughed and felt my eyes watering again.

"Thankyou so much for this, for taking me in, for spending money on me, and for helping my find a family,"

"As we said to Ava," mum said, "we wouldn't change you for the world,"

breathe// 5SOS Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon