She puts down her wand and turns away. The idiot starts laughing and she turned around so quickly that next thing I knew, she punched him in the face and he hit his head on the stone. I laughed and clapped at that. "Sorry, Draco, but you earned it," I said as he went with his friends back inside. We went down to Hagrid as he talked about Dumbledore coming down to be with him. I couldn't stand being there so I stood up "I'm sorry Hagrid but I can't stay and watch this. I can't watch them kill Buckbeak and do nothing about it. If I stay and see them then I will fight and I'd rather not do that. I'll be back tomorrow to see how you're doing," I said and hugged him. He knew what I said was true. If I stayed, I would fight the executioner who knows how that would end. I hid in the trees next to the pumpkin patch when I heard noises. I went to have a look and found Harry and Hermione behind the pumpkin patch but in front of the trees. When I saw the back door open I quickly made an ice rope and pulled them back as the present Harry and Hermione along with Ron came out and also hid behind the pumpkin patch. Once they left, I turned to the future ones and scowled "You two have to be more careful," I said and they looked pale. "Don't give me that look, I know about the time turner. Now go to where you have to go next, I have to meet up with the other yous and make sure they're alright." When I looked at Harry, after he recovered from the shock, he seemed angry. I looked at him confused "What did I do?" I asked him and Hermione stepped in "Nothing! You should go now," she said and I left after the others.

When I got there Ron was running after Scabbers and headed toward the Whopping Willow. I ran after him to try and get him out but then he looked behind me and seemed terrified. He screamed at Harry and Hermione as I turned around and saw Sirius in his dog form. He came running at us and as he grabbed onto Ron's leg he used his back ones to push me in the passageway. I followed him as he pulled Ron towards the shrieking shack. When we got there, he threw Ron on the ground as he back away and slowly transformed into his human self. "Sirius, please, don't so this. He has nothing to do with this. Let him go," I tried to reason with him but I knew that wasn't going to happen since he had Scabbers so close to him he could almost taste victory. "Not until I get what I came here for," he said and I stayed between the two. Harry and Hermione came in not long after and Ron point at the door "It's a trap. He's the dog. He's an Animagus." They turned and followed the paw prints. The door closed and Sirius came out. I stood in front of them "Please Uncle, let me get what you need and they don't have t be harmed any more than they already are," I said and they heard me "Uncle?!" Harry and Hermione yelled as I turned to them with my head down. "I'm sorry I couldn't tell you before. My mother is his cousin, making him my uncle and seeing as I changed my name to Black, he is also my guardian and Head of House." I said and I saw Harry look at me angrily.

He ran to Sirius and put his hands around his neck "Harry, no! He's innocent!" I yelled and he yelled back "He's the reason they're dead!" I shook my head "It wasn't him Harry! Please, you've got to believe me!" he ignored me and took out his wand. Lupin came in and disarmed him. Harry got up and backed away. Lupin helped Sirius up and I check if he was alright. "Well, well, Sirius. Looking rather ragged, aren't we?" he asked and Sirius just smiled. "Finally, the flesh reflects the madness within," Lupin said and Sirius replied: "Well, you'd know all about the madness within, wouldn't you." I smiled. They hugged and Sirius started explaining. I turned to the others and turned into my wolf form. I made my way to Ron and glared at his hands. "Come, Raina. He'll be mine soon enough," Uncle said and I went to him. He patted my head and so did Lupin. I grinned and turned back. "No! I trusted you! And all this time, you've been his friend," Hermione yelled as Lupin turned to her. "He's a werewolf. That's why he's been missing classes," she said and I looked at her shocked. "How long have you known?" Lupin asked "Since Snape's essay," Sirius laughed "You're good, but my niece is better. Raina, how long have you known?" I sighed and shook my head "Since I decided to check your history in Hogwarts when I found out you were framed over the summer," I said and Lupin looked astonished. "You two really are the brightest witches of your age I've ever met."

"Enough talk, Remus! Let's kill him!" he said angrily "Wait!" "I did my waiting! Twelve years of it! In Azkaban!" "Uncle, please. Let him explain why," I said and Harry interrupted me. "I know why. You betrayed my parents. You're the reason they're dead," he said I zoned out as they explained everything. I came back when I felt someone fly past me. I turned and quickly covered the floor with snow the person's landing wouldn't be harsh. It took a while to notice that it was Snape. He was knocked out but safe. I sighed and turned back to the others. Harry asked about Peter Pettigrew and I just turned into my wolf form. I lied down on the ground waiting to get the damn rat. "Show me," I hear Harry say and I got up ready to pounce. Sirius got him and threw him on the table. Sirius tried to turn him while I tried to contain his movements. As he was about to escape, Uncle turned him back and he turned into an even worse looking person. I transformed back and scowled "Ron, don't you ever bathe that thing! It sticks!" I said as I turned again and sat down close to Sirius as they stopped Pettigrew from moving around. I bit his leg as he got close to Harry a second time. He got angry and kicked me away. My back crashed with one of the piano legs behind him. I whimpered and cried as I tried to get up and walk away. "Raina!" Sirius yelled and hit Pettigrew. After that, he came to me and helped me get to Ron and Hermione. I was about to turn back when Uncle stopped me "Give it a rest. Turn back when the pain has gone away. If you turn back now, it would only hurt more," he said and I stopped. I lied down as Hermione did a few healing spells on my back for it to heal faster.

I was finally able to turn back when everyone was leaving the Sheirking Shack. I called Kronos to me as I helped Hermione stand him up. When Kronos landed, I helped Ron on. "Hold on tight but don't pull on his fur. Take him to the hospital wing Kronos," I said and he took off with Ron on his back. 

Hermione and I saw Harry talking to Sirius. He's probably telling Harry that he is his godson and he was put in charge of him if anything were to have happened to his parents. I already told Sirius that Harry can go live with us whenever he wanted. I had no problems with my cousin. Harry, begins Sirius' godson, is my cousin, but I'll tell him about that later. I was happy that everything turned out alright. I looked at the sky and noticed the moon.

I stiffened. The moon. It's full! I looked at Lupin and noticed that he has completely forgotten about the moon as he drags Pettigrew out from the passageway. "Harry!" Hermione yelled. Sirius and Harry turned to us as she pointed at the moon. I had pulled Pettigrew away from him and made sure everyone was a safe distance away from Lupin. I summoned Jafar from my house and told him to watch for Pettigrew and to bite him if he tried to escape. Sirius got closer as I tried to keep them all away. Sirius got away from me and went to Lupin. Pettigrew grabbed Lupins fallen wand and pointed it at himself "Jafar, bite him now!" I said and he did as told. Jafar's poison is much deadlier than Viper's poison. It is also much faster at killing you. The only way for Pettigrew to survive now is if someone sucks the poison out of him and I doubt he'll find someone to do that in time. And even if he does, I put a micro-camera in his body and enchanted it so I could see and hear everything he does and no one will know about it.

Pettigrew got away and I sent Jafar back home. Sirius told us to run as Lupin kept transforming. When he finished, he threw Sirius off the cliff "Uncle!" I yelled and tried to go after him but the other pulled me back. Snape came out of the passageway and saw Lupin. He put himself in front of us and blocked us from Lupin's view. Lupin came closer and tried to attack us. We all fell down on the ground as I tried to keep us all safe. I made an ice wall in front of us but Lupin just knocked it down. Then I heard a growl coming from our right and I turned to look. Sirius came in his dog form and attacked Lupin. I freed myself from the pile of bodies and turned into my wolf form. I helped my uncle hold Lupin back so the others could get away from here. Sirius pushed me away as he started a fight with Lupin. 

Harry Potter from the BeginningWhere stories live. Discover now