Ch. 24

721 14 4

Published on: 2/25/20

Words: 2,790

Raina POV

"You don't think that Grim thing's got anything to do with Sirius Black?" Ron asked. "No. The Grim has to do with Voldemort being alive. As long as he isn't completely dead, death will continue to follow Harry since he is his target," I said and Hermione got angry "Oh, honestly, Ron. If you ask me, Divination is a woolly discipline. Now, Ancient Runes, that's a fascinating subject," What the fuck. How many classes is she taking? She started making fun of Trelawny but I couldn't blame her. That bitch is loony. When we finally made it to Hagrid, we all followed him to the forest. He told us to open the book to page 49 and Draco asked: "Exactly, how do we do that?" being the brat that my twin was. "Just stroke the spine, of course," Hagrid said and we all started doing that. I already read the whole book so I didn't need to open it. I helped Neville with his book since it was trying to eat him. I got to the others as she said "I think they're funny," she said and Draco butted in "Oh, yeah. Terribly funny. Witty. God, this place had gone to the dogs. Wait until my father hears Dumbledore's got this oaf teaching classes," he said and I stopped Harry from fighting him. "Shut your trap, Draco. Be grateful you're here during the day and not at night like your first year here, brother. Or should I remind you of what happened during that detention you got yourself in," I said and glared at him, "How dare you?" he said and came up to me "What are you going to do? Hit me again? I dare you," I said not backing down. I smirked as he growled and stepped back. I scoffed and turned to Hagrid as he came back with Buckbeak.

I smiled when I saw him "Isn't he beautiful?" he asked us as he fed him. I went up to Buckbeak and allowed him to sniff me before I petted him. "How are you Buckbeak?" I asked him as he purred at my touch. "Say hello to Buckbeak," Hagrid said. "Hagrid, exactly what is that?" Ron asked "That, Ron, is a hippogriff," Hagrid answered. "The first thing you wanna know about Hippogriffs is that they are very proud creatures. Very easily offended. You do not want to insult a hippogriff. It may just be the last thing you ever do," he warned but I knew Draco was going to try something stupid sooner or later. "Now, who'd want to come and say hello?" Hagrid asked as he turned around. I saw everyone back away except Harry "Well done, Harry. Well done," he said and Harry turned around and saw everyone backed away. Ron pushed him and he got closer. I back away from Buckbeak and got where the students were. "Now, you have to let him make the first move. It's only polite. So step up and give him a nice bow. Then you wait and see if he bows back. If he does, you can go and touch him. If not, well, we'll get to that later," he said as Harry got closer. Harry bowed and Buckbeak noticed. He started spreading his wings and it looked like he was going to attack "Back up, Harry. Back up," Harry did as told but snapped a twig. He stayed still and I noticed Hermione grab Ron in fear and anticipation. She apologized and we continued to watch Harry. As Harry stayed bowed, Buckbeak bowed slowly. I smiled as Harry stood up straight and Hagrid fed Buckbeak again. "Now go on and pet him," Hagrid said and Harry got closer.

Harry got closer slowly as Buckbeak finished his ferret. Harry extended his hand and allowed Buckbeak to get closer to him. Harry was able to pat him and we all clapped. since I knew what was coming next, I whistled and summoned Kronos. "I think he'll let you ride him now," Hagrid said as he lifted Harry and Harry was confused and scared. As Hagrid positioned him well, I heard wings flapping in the distance. I knew Kronos was close. As Hagrid hit Buckbeak's ass and got him to move, Harry hung onto his neck. Buckbeak started picking up speed and soon after they were flying. I laughed and decided it was time for me to join them. I ran up a tree and when I got high enough, I pushed myself off the trunk and Kronos showed up and caught me. I asked him to follow Buckbeak and fly next to him. He did as told. We flew over the forest and river. We went around the castle and high above the highest peak. "I liked it too when I first rode on him!" I yelled at Harry, and he just smiled. We went over the black lagoon as both creatures touched the water and Harry and I spread our arms out. Then we started flying back to class. We heard Hagrid's whistle and followed it. When we landed, everyone was cheering. I saw Draco coming closer to us as Harry got of Buckbeak.

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