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Gerald and Yasmin are out of town working. Gerald is in Oakland. Yasmin is in New York for business. Vivan was staying with Anastasia, Ayla and Dawson. They are taking turns with taking care of vivan but she likes to stay with Anastasia and Dawson.

Dawson and his mother have been decorating the baby's room since they found out Anastasia and dawson are having a boy. He was happy and cried when he got the news.

Growing up Dawson's father left him and his mother when he was three. When his father was going in and out of his life, he just cause problems. Now dawson has a better chance to be a father to his son.

Ayla stayed with Anastasia and dawson weeks. Then that day came unexpectedly. Anastasias water broke before the due date. Ayla called Gerald:
"Hey dad."

"What's up Ayla. I'm here at the coliseum with grandma."

"Dad it's Stassie. She's having the baby. Her water broke an hour ago. We're going to the hospital."

"Shit! I knew this was going to happen. Fuck! Is she okay? She's not contrapting?"

"It's five minutes apart. Dawson and his mom are her with us. Viv might be going with one of my friends. I just called Yasmin an while ago. She said she's getting into an early flight back."

"I'm going. Grandma and uncle James are coming with me. Fuck hopefully I don't miss this"

"Dad dawson is panicking because he doesn't know but his mother is here to coach him. Okay dad meet us at the hospital."

"That's how I was when Yasmin was having viv. Okay stay with Stassie. We'll be there." Ayla hangs up. Anastasia, Dawson, his mother, Ayla we're leaving that the hospital. Viv went to one of Ayla's friend. Gerald told his mother and brother about Anastasia. They leave the coliseum. They went to the airport to take the plane.

Meanwhile Anastasia did make it to the hospital. The video crew arrived at the same time. Dawson was next to her holding her hand. The family got a big room since Anastasia family was coming.

The rest of the family arrived to LA and went straight to the hospital. The doctors told Anastasia she was ready to push out the baby in a couple hours "here comes your little boy Dawson."
"Yeah I'm excited to meet my son." Dawson said as he grabbed Anastasias hand "you'll do great Stassie. I know you will." Hours later Adin Noel McBroom Russo was born. Weighted 81/2 pounds, 7.5 ounces. Everyone heard the baby cries. Everyone got exited and teared up.

Couple days after Anastasia and dawson had their son Adin Noel, Gerald and Yasmin decided to have a dinner. "I still can't believe we left the hospital with any reports. Not even a single one." Ayla commented "Adin looks so alike as Dawson."
"Yeah and how Stassie was saying how she wasn't feeling any contractions and you these contractions going up like crazy and I was saying 'okay this isn't normal'" Yasmin said "Dawson just straight up started to cry when Adin was born the second he was out."
"He wasn't the only one. Dad left the room and cried and yelled 'yes! It's a boy! I can't believe it's a boy! I am the happiest grandpa ever! I'm grandpa eazy!' And you left to shut him up. Sheryl was in the delivery room calming Dawson as he cut the umbilical cord. Stassie was literally the happiest seeing Adin. They're literally the happiest family." Ayla said "I'm genuinely so happy for my sister." Gerald walks out of the room "and there is grandpa eazy" Ayla and Yasmin laughed "Aw viv fell asleep. She was excited to see Adin. You know she doesn't understand that she's an aunt and thinks she's a big sister it's so cute. She loves Adin."
"Hey just because I did what I did it only matter to me. But have you seen my grand son Adin, he's gonna be like his cool grandpa, one hella of a lady killer." Gerald smirks "me and Adin walking down and he does everything I taught him."
"And you're delusional Gerald." Yasmin said "and hurry up Stassie, Dawson and Adin will be here anytime soon."
"You know it's true." Gerald told Yasmin. His mother and his younger brother James came out of the room. "Hey do you guys think I'm delusional of me saying and saying I'm going to raise my grand son Adin to be just like me."
"Gerald that's Stassie's and Dawson's baby. We all understand that...okay you're insane." His mother said. "When is Stassie coming?"
"In a bit ma." Gerald told her "for the mean while we get to chill. Man I can image Adin so like me but having the same features as Dawson."
"Somebody already likes Dawson as his son in law." Ayla said "I can still remember how much you hated him for being around Stassie so much and now look at this, he works with you, he's your son in law, married with my sister and the father of the most adorable baby boy." Yasmin, Ayla, Gerald's mom and James laughed "I just wish that mom was here to enjoy this."
"Yeah we all do. It's just now I had the chance to meet him." The family talked and set everything for dinner before Stassie and dawson arrived with Adin.

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