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Alex version
Lately with us has been great on top with the trail and the announcement with my second child. Everyone went crazy about it. Not many negative comments like last time.

Today I'm going with Jace for this trail since Gerald wants to get me pissed off more than ever. I feel that this trail is taking longer than I thought it would be.

There was paparazzi out in the courthouse. The bodyguard we were helped me and Jace give way. If you are wondering where's Ayla, she with my sister Maggie at Disneyland for the whole day.

We walked in to a room where we talk with the lawyer. Jace looks at me. "I want this to end. I don't want anything happening to you or our child."
"I know. I just don't get why he has to up this way." I sit down in a chair "I think he's doing this for revenge. Why now? Why not when Ayla was born? Why not when she was just a couple months after Ayla was born?"
"I know you have these questions. I want you to answer this with honesty. You still love him?"
"What are you talking about? Why would you say that? He has caused me so much pain four years ago and even now."
"Okay, umm do you love me? Not because we're having a baby but if we didn't."
"Jace, I love you so much, you shown me so many things that I never thought this would happen to me. You are the light that shines to my life. I honestly don't know where you get that."
"It's cause I see him. I see him look at you with maybe some envy and pain that he still loves you. That why I think you feel the same way."
"No never not in a million years. I will choose you over him. You know everything that I've been with in the past and those are the reason why we're here."

We we called in to continue the trail. I was called in the stand to explain my version. But Gerald's lawyer was attacking me with words.

"Ms Lindenmann, is it true that you met my client here Mr Gillum four years ago at Berkeley when his ex girlfriend Ashley Nicolette Frangipane in Berkeley?"

"Yes it's true."

"Is it also true that you and Mr Gillum had a relationship during his current one?"

"He told me they were just friends and nothing else. Not until before I found out I was pregnant with my daughter"

"Speaking of your daughter, you posted on your social media guessing Instagram, a photo of your daughter with his last name? Did you ever get in contact with his mother, himself, anybody who was working for him? Or just did that for the fame?"

"When I found out of my daughter the first person I told was his manager Matt Bauerschmidt, he told me he was going to inform the father about the whole thing. Then I went back to Oakland to speak in person about the pregnancy. Till this day she's involved. The father himself he didn't want to be part of her life when she was born not until he dare to show up at her birthday party. Why would I do it for the fame? I worked my ass off to be this person."

"And with visitations you made it clear with him being with her right? And what right does it give you to disrespect him in front of his daughter? And also getting pregnant on purpose with famous men to increase your fame?"

"No that's not true."

"And you want to be using your announcement to increase your followers. And be trending all over."

"That's not true."

"And you think by dating Mr Jason Xavier Russo it can make your career bigger."

"No that's true. Why are you putting things in my mouth?"

"Then whats true? So you getting pregnant is a way to trap them just like these two men?"

"No. It's not true. It was a mistake to be with Gerald in the first place."

"So its a mistake to get pregnant and have your daughter? And it's also a mistake be pregnant with your second child?"

"No it's not..."

"Then what true? You being the Hollywood whore and having these babies with different guys?"

"No it's not true. You don't understand.... you don't.... it's not what seems..."

"Then what does it mean? Where you using these men like you boyfriend and having them trap?"

"It means... this is a way to hurt me... I'm pregnant... I can't be doing this...."

"Answer my question! Did you get pregnant with your daughter four years ago to have Mr Gillums money to increase your fame and using the same way to Mr Jason Xavier Russo?"

"None of it is true!?"

"Then what's true? You being the Hollywood whore?"

"No!? I was in love with Gerald?! I loved him!? I thought the relationship we had was real but he had to ruin it... I didn't find out about my daughter after I moved back to LA...."

"What about now? Are you using Mr Russo?"

"No, because I love Jace so much. He was the real man that I ever met. And I'm happy to be carry his child. If that what you wanted to hear. I'm not a Hollywood whore because the only men I was and with is Gerald Gillum and Jason Russo."

"No further questions."

I told the lawyer if I could be excused. The judge seen how I was so they let me go. I went to the same room. Jace came in the room. I hugged him. "I am so sorry you had to heard that."
"Calm down, you can't be like this at the moment. I'll talk with the lawyer if there's any way you don't have to be involve in the court or be inside the trial. I know what you mean. And that doesn't make you love you less Alex. I'm here to protect you."
"Jace, you... I love you." I kissed him "can we leave somewhere? For these last months I don't want to feel like this."
"Yes anywhere you want to go."

We left the court house. Jace and Maggie talked with the lawyer if there's was any way possible for me not to be there for the rest of my pregnancy. Maggie was furious of Gerald's lawyer doing that. Like if they never cared. She asked me to be part of the case.

For the mean time yes. She should go for me.

Two months later

Maggie Lindenmann with Jace Russo is going to court. She's going for her sister Alex Lindenmann since the last time the rappers lawyer verbal attack her during the trial. Maggie didn't want to talk to any of the reporters. Jace ignored everyone. We didn't have the much information but from G-Eazy lawyer says 'nothing is processing' as the trial has been going 'judge hasn't made a decision yet but they are confident that he will get full custody' What do you guys think about this?

That's what they think. The more I stress the more I risk this pregnancy. Ayla is to little to understand everything. Jace think it's best to go somewhere else for the time being of the trial.

This is the right time.

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