Chapter 15

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Rose breathed out in relief finally escaping Jace, her body was begging to stay with him, she left before she does something she would regret later.
" you whore! "
She sucked in a breath,  Tina dragged her away from the door to an empty hallway, Rose felt small and powerless compared to Tina.
" sleeping with him huh?  I wonder what he sees in you , you pathetic human of a mate, so fragile and powerless, you fat ugly shit"
Each word was a stab, where were her guards?
" you don't deserve him, why don't you just die or run away?
" and why will she do that? " a voice asked joining them.  Isa came to stand beside Rose
" you bitches " Tina snared trying to keep her wolf in check
" hang that " Isa snapped at her
" let it go Isa " Rose tried to pull Isa back
" what's the big deal there in loving someone? And if its your lecturer, of course he's not married, plus this is uni not high school where there are laws in having relationship with lecturers "
Rose face redden at that, love?  Is that what her sisters think?  Does she love Jace?  Oh no, the answer is no, she was surprised Isa was standing up for her, or was she sleeping?
" I promise I will get back to you! " shouted Tina
" you know what?  I hate you " Isa spat at Tina.
" you better watch your back " Tina walked away.
Isa turned to Rose with an evil glare " and is it true! "
" w... What? "
" you and Mr Wolf huh "
" Isa... "
" don't think I love you with that, she has no right but I do "
Rose rolled her eyes " love to watch me suffer "
" yes, especially from my hands " she stood taller " oh poor Rosebella, watch your back " Isa brushed her hair back with her fingers before walking away.

Rose sank down on the floor,her back pressed on the wall at her back. She buried her head in between her legs. Why was all these happening to her?
* what is happening? * Jace asked getting through her thought
Rose grip her hair in frustration * leave me alone * she yelled back at him through her mind
* baby *
Rose closed her eyes * don't *
" Rose"
She could smell him right in front of her, her but she refused to look at him.
Jace bent down to her equal " I know all these is hard for you, am sorry for putting you through it but am not sorry that you are my mate, you are so perfect for me "
Rose looked at him " why me? "
Jace quietly growled " you have a heart to lead, a caring loving one, you are strong Rose, you just have to believe that, I will be here with and for you " he cleaned her now watery face " do you trust me? "
Rose stared at him, does she trust him? She gently nod het head and Jace grinned.
" you should do that more often " Rose murmured but due to werewolves super hearing he heard her.
" what? "
" smile " Rose stood up when he did
" em... I have things to do " Jace properly feld from her leaving Rose in confusion. Did she said something wrong? Did the Almighty Jace just shuttered?
With a smile on her face Rose walked to the kitchen. Kate and Hillary were in the kitchen talking when she walked in and they both turned to Rose with their own smile.
" let's go shopping, its almost winter break " announced Kate
Rose's smile fell, not shopping " can I skip? "
" no no " Hillary said with a shake of her head " we need good dresses "
" we? "
" yeah, we we Lucy included " Hillary said nodding
" for what? " Rose slummed down on a hard chair and groaned
" to look good and blow off our mates mind " Kate answered cheerfully
" that's no good reason for me to change my mind " Rose whined
" come on cry baby let's go rock the malls " Kate was up on her feet
" I have no money! " cried Rose throwing her hands in the air
" here " Lucy showed up with a credit card, she lean on the door frame " the Alpha said ' buy the whole store ' " Lucy grinned
" am not going to spend his money! " Rose said
" Rose, come on "
" no " she crossed her hands on her chest
" fine you can spend all your life savings on shopping " shrugged Kate.
" hell "
" we are not there yet " Hillary pat Rose on the shoulder
" come on " yelled Kate excitedly
The ladies practically dragged Rose out to the car.
Anderson drove the car with Lucy in the front seat, Kate sat beside the window and Hillary the other side caging Rose in between them
" am not gonna jump out of the car you know " Rose said eyeing up the doors
" of course we know " Hillary said
" just to avoid any funny business " Kate winked at Rose who groan and rest back on her chair
" I hate you girls "
" you know that's not true " Lucy called to Rose
" she loves us too much " Kate confirmed
" you are no better than my sisters "
" you know that an understatement "
" whatever! "

" have fun " Anderson told the girls as he parked in one of the malls parking lot. He followed them but gave them their space.

The ladies made Rose try a lot of dresses, skirts, gowns and pants, Kate even bought her a matching undies to seduce Jace. After getting stuff for themselves they all agreed the should have lunch outside in front one of the malls.  They were all gathered around a table.
The waiter came to take their order.
She bowed in respect showing she was a werewolf.
" I will have two steak " Kate ordered
" get me one salmon steak " Lucy said
" one beef " Anderson ordered
" one beef too " Hillary said leaning into her mate. Rose envied how close they were, can she and Jace be like that? 
The waiter turned to Rose, she looked at the waiter " em... Do you have sandwich? "
" yes Luna " she bowed
" please call me Rose " Rose offered her a smile
" okay, is that all? " she bowed
" yes...? "
" Sharon " the waiter said
" that will be all Sharon " Lucy said.
" I'll be right back " Sharon said bowed and left to get their orders.

Sometime into their lunch Rose had this unsettling feeling, she nervously looked around, she saw people going about their businesses.
" Rose? " Lucy called
" yes? "
" are you okay? " Lucy asked
Before she could answer they heard a loud bang. Lucy and Anderson were in attack mood pulling Rose back.
The beautiful glass that separated  the restaurant from the outside world was broken now.
" Kate mind link the alpha " shouted Anderson.
Rose couldn't see what was going on.
" we need to leave " Lucy said.
They guarded Rose almost to the broken door when four big guys stopped them.
" you are trespassing " Anderson said
" yeah, yeah, that we know " one of the guys said " we just dropped by to say hello to the new human Luna "

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