Chapter 26

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The whole pack assembled in front of the pack house.
Isa ran out and saw the crowd, then she looked at Rose in Jace's hands.
" she's alive " Hillary said.
" Toby! " Isa gasped wran to the bodies laid on the ground, life less bodies. She broke in tears not nearing the dead.
" Toby " she turned and looked at those that came back and her gaze fell on Lucy who was captured. " you " before she can advance on Lucy someone held her, " let go of me " she shrugged off Nicholas hold.
" let's clean them up " Jace said and walked in.

They pack house was in mourning, Rose was treated and all the rogues captured were locked up.
They didn't have the funeral until Rose woke up, she was quiet, not eating and haven't said a word to anyone else.
She refused to speak at the grave, and after paying their last respect, they went back home.
Zach left after the burial and promised to visit. 
Rose got out of the car and Jace followed her in silent. Rose turned to him. " take me to the dungeon "
" Rose, why? "
" I want to see Lucy " she said coldly
" follow me " he took her down to the dungeon and to Lucy's cell.
Rose went into the cell and Jace followed her. Lucy stared at Rose warily.
" enjoying yourself? " Rose asked
" Rose I.. I "
" shhh, I need to look after my pack members, I want to be happy, and I need to finish something "
" Rose " Jace called.
Rose went close to Lucy, Lucy was tied down with silver chains.
" and that thing is you "
Lucy gasped in shock and stared at Rose with wild eyes.
" just as you did to Toby, now you can rest in peace " Rose moved away from Lucy.
Jace stared at Lucy, he saw the same knife that she used to stab Toby in her stomach, he looked at his mate who was crying.
" come let's go " he took her hand and left the cell with Lucy's dead body. 
He took her to their room, knowing its time for their pack to have a full Luna.
" are you okay? " Jace asked.
" I missed him Jace " Rose cried into his shirt.
" I know, we all do, I miss him alot too, but I've got you am not alone, you are here with me "
" I will always miss him, am naming our child after him "
" really? " Jace smiled at her, she looked so determined.
" yes "
" I would love that too "
He kissed her lips but Rose pulled away.
" he's never going to call me or follow me to school, oh God "
" shhh " Jace stopped her with a kiss " he wants us to be happy, let me make you happy "
" Toby is gone, Rogue he, he touched me " Rose cried.
" Rose, my Rose, I'll make you forget his touch  trust me " he took her to the bed. " I love you Rosebella, I want to make you mine forever "
" I love you too Jace "
" am yours whenever you are ready " he whispered to his sleepy mate's ear and heard her breath in relief.

*Few weeks later*
Rose ran into the sitting room, smiling. " I spoke in his head by my own "
A very pregnant Hillary grinned " so you have done it? " she asked with raised eyebrow
" well... "
" she has! " clapped Kate
" that's gross " complained Tina from her seat.
" I don't think am in the mood to hear that my sister had sex " Isa said.
Anna was with her mate, the door bell saved Rose from more embarrassment.
" I'll get it " Isa said walking to the front door, she pulled it open and was shocked.
" what the hell are you doing here!? " she asked, not forgetting the trick he played on her.
" nice to see you too Isabella " a smiling Zach said with a little bow to Isa who gritted her teeths in annoyance.

     The End.

Hello guys.
So that's the end of Rosebella, hope you enjoyed it like I did?
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Thanks for your patience. So maybe there will be another story, let's hope.
Bye for now.
Love you.
Always yours.,

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