Chapter 16

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Rose lean back to Kate, Lucy was beside Anderson facing the guys. Who were these guys and what do they want? 
" you have to leave " Lucy told them
" Luna? " another guy called " you won't have to hide forever dear, we are coming back to you " he pointed to Anderson " tell your alpha of a killer that Rogue have eyes for her "
" eyes for an eyes, mate for a mate " the first guy who spoke said and with that they turned around and left.
Minutes later Jace and Nicholas showed up and he rushed to her
" Rose? " he hugged her tight before turning to Anderson " what the hell happened? "
" Rogue "
Jace stiffened pulling away from Rose * what did he want? * he mind linked Anderson
* he.. He said he wants her *
Anderson cast his head down
Rose looked at all of them, they must be mind linking each other. What the hell was going on?
Jace growled and ran towards the forest. Rose just stared at them dumstucked.
  Kate turned to her with a guilty look.
" what was that? "
" let's just go back to the pack house and talk " Kate said reaching out to Rose but Rose pulled back shaking her head Kate's hands fell to her side.
" am not interested in any of this " Rose turned and ran away avoiding the glass
" Rose wait " Kate ran after her
Lucy and Anderson did the same.
Nicholas caught up to her, she struggled against him.
" let go of me! "
" calm down Rose, you need to calm down "
" don't tell me what to do! " she snapped at him
" Rose " Hillary called
" enough with this, am going back home and I mean my fathers house! " Rose screamed not minding the looks people were giving them.
" we will explain everything to you at home " Nicholas said
Rose looked at them can she trust them?  Someone was after her. Her once sweet life is now a mess up one. She needs a comfort of someone she can trust, her Mom!
" I want to go home to my Mom now! "
" Rose its not safe.. " Kate tried to convince her but she was not getting it.
" Take. Me. Home! " she all but yelled.
" take her home " Kate told Anderson
" Kate... "
Kate cuts her mate short " she needs space Nick "
" but Lucy and Anderson are staying with her " Nicholas said
" whatever! " Rose walked back in the direction of the car, Lucy followed. Nicholas stopped Anderson
" any thing strange let us know and keep all your eyes on her "
" I'll protect her with my life " Anderson said and Hillary whimpered, Anderson turned to his mate and hugged her " I'll be fine "
Hillary nodded vigorously " you better be " she kissed him before Anderson pulled away, he gave her a kiss on the forehead and left.

The car ride to the McDaniels house was quiet. When they got in front of the house Lucy stopped Rose.
" we know all this is hard for you but am coming in with you "
Rose looked at her then to Anderson who nodded at her.
" fine " Rose agreed and both girls got down from the car and they walked to the front door. Rose rang the bell.
" who's there? " her mother voice called from inside. Minutes later the door opened and Mrs McDaniels stared at Rose " Rose " she pulled Rose for a hug just what she needed.
" Mom I missed you " cried Rose
" are you okay? " Mrs McDaniels pulled back to study Rose's face
" am fine "
" and your sisters? "
" they are all fine, I just missed you and thought of coming over, its weekend Mom "
" okay " but she didn't look convinced. " and your friends are? "
Rose looked to see that Anderson had joined them
" this is Lucy and he is Anderson "
" hello ma " Anderson said
" nice to finally meet you Mrs McDaniels "
" of course, please do come in "
They all went in and had dinner with Mrs McDaniels. Anderson went back out to the car while Lucy stayed in.
  They were about going to Rose's room when Mr McDaniels came back.
" darling Rose is around " Mrs McDaniels said cheerfully
" and her sisters? " her dad looked at her then to Lucy
" they are fine and still there, I only came for a visit " Rose explained biting her tongue from yelling at her dad because of his behavior to her. He turned and just left.
" don't mind him, go ahead I will join you girls later " Mrs McDaniels pushed them forward to Rose's room.

" why the hell do you do that? " Jace lashed out at Nicholas.
" she needs it " Nicholas defended.
Jace rushed to him and held him by his neck lifting him up,  Kate cried in distress
" Jace please " she begged grabbing his other hand.
" she is in danger and yet you let her go? " he roared
Nicholas held Jace's hand " calm down Alpha "
" shit! " he let go of Nicholas and started pacing his office that was damaged " shit, shit hell! "
Kate ran to her mate to check if he was okay, she helped him stand. " you are such a fool Jace "
Jace turned to her and growled, Nicholas stood in front of his Mate and growled back at Jace.
" Jace, she is only human give her the credit, some would have freaked out, she needs to come in terms with what is happening around her "
" have sent five of our best to guard the house "
Jace was somehow appericative towards his beta and his wonderful mate, he would have done so wrong without them. But he just can't bring himself to say thanks. He just nodded and that was enough for Kate.
" you will have to explain to her though "
He glared at Kate " I promise to kill Rogue when I see him! " he swore
" please do " Kate said.

Mrs McDaniels went to Rose's room, Lucy was asleep, well pretending to be asleep to give mother and daughter chance to speak but still keeping watch over rose.
" Rose you look pale " Mrs McDaniels sat on the chair facing Rose, Rose looked at her room, it was just the way she left it it was just clean.
" Mom, am fine "
" you should come back home "
Rose thought it but it was not safe, she is in a mess already. " Mom I love it there, and am okay, just exam stress " she said well that was half truth.
" are you sure? "
Rose nodded
" and your sisters? "
" having fun "
" so, when are you going back? "
" tomorrow, Toby can help with my  books " she took her Mother's hands " am really good Mom, I just missed you "
" okay, I will let you sleep now " Mrs McDaniels stood up gave Rose a kiss on the forehead " love you "
" love you Mom " Mrs McDaniels went out and Lucy tool the empty chair.
" why don't you sleep, I'll keep watch " Lucy suggested
" em, thanks, you need to rest too "
" yeah after you do "
  Rose went to take her shower before wearing something light and falling down on her bed, sleep came so fast.
Too fast.

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