Chapter 1

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Rose McDaniels went into her new room located at the far end of the rooms, her sisters picked the nicest room but she learnt to let go, her room was big enough for her, she quickly arranged her things neatly and she decided to rest when a loud bang came from her door, making her to fall on the hard floor on her ass.
Anna came in laughing seeing Rose on the floor " kissing the floor huh? "
Rose stood up and sat back on her bed rolling her eyes " what do you want? "
" we are going shopping for our new school tomorrow "
" am not interested "
" like I care, anyways its dad's idea, so get your fat self downstairs " with that Anna left banging the door again.
Rose mentally screamed at her dad, she hates shopping especially with her sisters. She closed her eyes for a minute and just wished to stay like that but her hope was short lived when her dad shouted for her to get down.
" Rosebella, get down right this minute "
" coming " she yelled back. She took her small purse taking her phone from her table before walking out of her room to the sitting room, she walked in and fall on the sofa.
Her dad glanced at her before fishing out his credit card, he gave it to Isabella since she was the first out of them. " get what ever you need "
" thanks dad " said Anna and Isa.
Rose hates it when her dad tell them to buy anything they need, her mother walked in and sat beside her father.
" spend it wisely girls and dont buy irrelevant things " Mrs McDaniels warned.
" mum, we are 19 not 9" said Anna with a smirk at Rose.
" just don't " insisted their mum.
" come on girls we don't want to be late " Isa said and she took her handbag leaving, the others followed, Mrs McDaniels gave Rose a sad smile.
Anna drove them to the nearest mall, since they all use one car, Rose had to endure their shit.

The next morning, Rose got up early, she has just a year to finish her schooling life before leaving home. She gather her things and place them in her bag before leaving her room, her sisters were no where to be found.
She grabbed an apple before leaving the house, knowing her sisters, they won't appreciate her driving with them to school.
She found her way to the bus stop, not too long the bus came and she boarded it. All eyes turned on her as she made her way to the back seat.
She saw an empty space and she sat down there, brought out her headphone and listen to pop music.
When the bus stopped in front of the school, she was the last to get down, the school building was tall and beautiful, she looked at the name. " Wolves " wolves? What kind of a name was that?.
Shrugging she walked to the front door and could still feel eyes on her. Why can't they look away from her? This is a higher institution not a high school.
She wondered to herself, ' why are they staring at me? Am sure am not the only new student, or they are not staring directly at me? ' she looked around but all gazes were on her, creepy!
She went in the building and found herself in a garden like place, the building was tall and beautiful built in a circle form, small building could be seen around also, at one far end she located a green house in a corner and she saw a sign board pointing to the stadium though she couldn't see it, how the hell was she going to get to the head office? She looked around and saw a girl coming her way, she put on a smile.
" hi, please how can I get to the head office? "
" go to block A in that building " the girl said and walked away.
" well, thanks " Rose said to herself walking to the direction of the building, she got there and saw block D written on the wall boldly. Oh, no, where the hell is block A?

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