Chapter 18

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Rose woke up with a smile on her face, she knew she was alone in bed but just knowing Jace and she spent the night together the felt loved.
The door opened and Jace walked in with a tray. He smiled when he saw her.
" I see you are up " he dropped the tray on the night stand " I didn't want to wake you up "
" breakfast in bed, humm I love that " Rose yawned and he stopped her with a kiss. She pushed him off " I stink " she hurried to the bathroom got a new tooth brush and brushed her teeths

Rose later joined the others in the gathering room, Kate and Hillary turned to her with a knowing grin on their faces making Rose rolled her eyes  she sat beside Lucy.
  " You did it didn't you? " Kate jumped at her, Rose pushed her away a blush forming on her cheeks.
" no! "
" you didn't? " Kate asked disappointed
" well no " Rose shrugged it off.
" money money " Lucy sang stretching out her hands
Both Kate and Hillary gave Lucy a dollars.
Rose was dumbfounded " a bet? A bet on me? "
Lucy grinned at her from ear to ear " I won "
" won what? " Anna asked walking in followed by Isa who was typing away on her phone
" nothing " Rose answered and her sisters gave her a disbeliving look but let it go.
They took their seat when Jude walks in, he was the third in command.
" we have visitors "he  announced, " am to escort the Luna."
" who? " asked Anna
" em" Jude looked uncomfortable. Kate stood up and gave Jude a shoulder pat.

Jace, Nicholas and two other guys walked in.
Jace immediately went to Rose and held her close by her waist.
' who are they? ' she thought
Jace looked at her hearing her ' they are from the town next to us, they are just passing by '
Rose nodded.
" won't you introduce us? " one of they guy asked. He has long hair and was damn handsome that Anna couldn't look away from him.
" this is Rose, her sisters Isa and Anna " Jace did the introduction
" Anna... " the guy that first spoke said
" girls, this is Brad and Theodore "
" hi " Isa waved
" hi "
At the sound of Anna's voice Brad the guy who spoke snapped, he inhaled and his once blue eyes turned black " mine! "
Before Jace could stop him he was in front of Anna and he sank his teeth into her right neck.
Rose gasped, Anna and Isa screamed. Anna finally passed out in his arms.
" what the hel...  " Isa also passed out and Lucy got her.
Rose rushed to Brad and Slapped him he growled at her and Jace pulled her back with a growl of his at Brad.
" how dare you mark her just like that? " Rose shouted
" she is mine! "
" Brad " Theodore spoke for the first time
" mind you, you are taking her no where " yelled Rose
" Brad, can we talk? " Jace asked
" yes " Rose tried to take Anna from him and he pushed her away
" am taking her " Rose insisted
" Brad " Jace nodded and Brad released her before leaving with Jace, Theodore and Nicholas.
Kate helped Rose carried Anna to her room.
Both her sisters are staying with her tonight, she do not care what the others will say, not even Jace.

Hours later, Jace came in and Rose looked up at him, the pack doctor was ordered to check the girls and they were fine just in shock.
" he apologizes, he just couldn't control himself "
" are you trying to defend him? "
" Rose calm down "
" he is taking her no where, what about our parents they won't surely understand " Rose cried
" Rose,  there's nothing you can do, "
" what? So you are going to allow him take her to God knows where?  " she laughed " hell no "
" please try to understand "
She glared at him " just keep shut, "
Jace rushed to her and grab her shoulders " you don't talk to me that way "
" whatever "
" Rose, stop disrespting me! " his wolf was able to take control.
  Rose stared at him in fright, she tried to escape him but it was a wrong move. Jace's wolf Roger wanted submission and Rose was not going to give him that.
" Rose " he warned in a strangled voice.
Rose glared at him, and she did what she knew will calm him down. She kissed him. Jace instantly rexaled into the kiss and Rose pulled back.
" so what do you think we do?  Tell Anna about werewolf existence? "
" yes, she will need to know "
" we are telling Isa too, we can't keep her in the dark "
" true " she held her shoulders " stop worrying too much, your sisters are big girls and they can handle it "
" yeah, just like I did " she wanted to smile but failed. " when are we telling them? " she asked her attention on her sleeping sisters
" when they are up "
" that soon? " her head snapped to Jace.  A surprise her head is still intact with her neck with the speed she turned tp Jace.
" yes Rose, Brad is an alpha and has an obligation to his pack, his second in command is here, so his pack is open to attack " he paused " he needs to get back soon "
Rose looked sad for sometime but nodded in understandting.
" we will talk this out maturely, okay? " he said and Rose nodded again. 
" am staying here though " she went back to her bed.
Jace left the room.

Before night falls the girls woke up and Rose was there, it was Is a that got up first.
She rubbed her eyes " I had a wild dream "
Rose smiled at Isa " about? "
Isa turned to look for Anna and sighed when she saw Anna peacefully sleeping.
" someone bite Anna " Isa shrugged and yawn again " how long have I been here? "
" close to 7 hours "
Isa eyes widened " then I must be hungry " she exclaimed
" is someone talking about food? " a voice from the bed asked, Rose and Is a turned to see Anna sitting upright on bed.
Rose laughed " you two must be so hungry "

There was a knock on the door and the girls looked at the door
" what are we doing in your room? " Isa noticed where they were
" well you girls passed out " Rose said carefully
" who passed us out? " Isa asked
The knock came again " yes? "
" everyone is waiting " Jude said from outside the door.
" we are coming " Rose shouted back. Her sisters's eyes were on her
" who is waiting? "
" is Dad here? "
" calm down, our parents are not here, but there are some things you girls should know " Rose stood up " follow me "
Isa and Anna shared a look but followed Rose out of her room and to the gathering room.
Anna stilled when she saw Brad and her hand unconsciously went to her neck.
" Y-you... " Isa trailed off and turned to look at Anna.
Rose was scared how her sister will react to what she just discovered.

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