Chapter 46

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A week later, Alexis woke up. Her and Seth were heading back to Forks.

"I'm going to take a shower." Alexis said as she got out of bed.

"Ok. I'll pack the bags." Seth said.

"Ok." Alexis said.

She grabbed a towel and walked into the bathroom. She started the water, undressed, and stepped into the shower. The warm water felt nice against her body. Afterwards, she turned the water off and got out. She changed into a plain t-shirt with jeans and sneakers. When she was finished getting ready, she walked out of the bathroom. Seth had their bags packed.

"Ready?" He asked.

"Yep." Alexis said.

"Let's get going before so we're not late for our flight."

"Let's go." Seth said. He grabbed both bags and the two of them headed out to the car. They got in, Seth started it, and drove to the airport. After they got through security and went to their terminal, they grabbed some breakfast while they waited for their flight to board. A little bit later, they were in their seats and the plane was in the air.

"I hope you had fun." Seth said.

"Of course I did." Alexis said.

"Good. I'm glad." Seth said. He kissed her on the cheek and she smiled at him.

A few hours later, they're plane landed in Port Angeles. They got off the plane, grabbed their luggage and headed out Seth's car. They got in and headed back to Forks.

"It's good to be home." Alexis said as they drove past the "Welcome to Forks" sign.

"Yes it is." Seth agreed. He drove to the Cullen's house. When they arrived, they grabbed their bags and walked inside.

"We're home." Alexis called. She was immediately greeted by Renesmee.

"Alexis!" Renesmee said, hugging Alexis.

"Hey Nessie." Alexis said.

"I missed you." Renesmee said.

"I missed you too." Alexis said.

"Hey Seth." Renesmee said.

"Hi Renesmee." Seth said. The rest of the family came into the hallway.

"Hey guys." Esme greeted.

"Hey everyone." Seth greeted. Renesmee and Alice started badgering them on questions.

"Girls, they just walked in the doorway." Carlisle said. "Let them get settled in."

"There will be plenty of time to ask them questions."

"Sorry." Renesmee and Alice said.

"How about this." Alexis said. "We can all go for a hunt later and I can tell you about it then."

"Ok." They said.

"I brought your guys stuff to your house and got it ready for you guys." Alice said.

"Thank you, Alice." Alexis said.

"How did you get my stuff?" Seth asked.

"Your mom when I went to get it from her." Alice said.

"If it's ok with you, maybe we can wait a few days to move in." Alexis said. "I kinda want to spend a day or two back at my house."

"That's fine." Seth said. "We can move whenever you want."

"Great." Alexis said.

"Well, I'll see you guys later." Seth said. "I'm going to go see my mom and sister."

"Bye." Everyone said as Seth walked out of the house. Alexis went up to her room to unpack her stuff. After she finished, everyone went out hunting.

"So?" Renesmee asked Alexis. She and Alice were looking at her, waiting for answers. Alexis sighed.

"It was a lot of fun." She answered.

"What did you guys do?" Alice asked.

"We spent a day sightseeing and another visiting famous places." Alexis replied. "As well doing a lot of other stuff."

"It does sound like you guys had fun." Rosalie said. Alexis fed on a couple of deer.

"I needed that." She said as she walked back to the house with everyone. "I haven't hunted since before the wedding."

Later that evening, Alexis made her way to her father's office. She wanted to give him the picture she brought back. She got to his office and knocked on the door. She heard her father say come in and she went in.

"Hi sweetheart." Carlisle said, looking up from what he was working on.

"I have something for you." Alexis said, going over to him.

"What is it?" Carlisle asked. Alexis handed the picture to him. Carlisle carefully unwrapped it. Alexis had wrapped it wouldn't get damaged on the way home. Carlisle gasped when he saw the picture.

"Did you go to the house I grew up in?" He asked. Alexis nodded.

"Me and Seth went there." She said. "I remembered how you said that you didn't have any pictures of yourself from your human life, so I decided to bring one back. I hope that's ok."

"It's completely ok." Carlisle said, smiling. He got up to hug his daughter. "Thank you, sweetheart. I love it."

"You're welcome." Alexis said. "Well, I'm going to head to bed. It's been a long day and I'm exhausted."

"Good night, pumpkin." Carlisle said.

"Good night." Alexis said. She headed back into her room, changed into her pajamas, and got into bed. It felt nice to be in her own bed again.

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