Chapter 16

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Alexis was sitting at the kitchen table going over stuff for the wedding with Alice.

"So, we'll have the wedding here." Alice said.

"Ok." Alexis said.

"And I think I found the perfect dress for Bella." Alice said, showing Alexis the dress on her computer. "What do you think?"

"I think Bella will like it." Alexis said. "So, who should we invite?"

"The Denali's, since they're our cousins." Alice said. "Obviously Charlie, Renée, and Phil."

"We should invite Bella's friends from school, Jessica, Mike, Angela, and Eric." Alexis said. "And Jacob and Billy. I know Edward would hate it, but it would make Bella happy."

"Of course." Alice said. "Do you want to invite Seth's family?"

"Yeah." Alexis said.

"Ok." Alice said, starting to write down addresses. They saw Edward and Bella walk by. "Bella!" Alice said, getting her attention. "Can you come here for a minute?"

"What Alice?" Bella asked.

"First, what do you think of this dress?" Alice said, showing her the wedding dress.

"I love it." Bella said.

"Really?" Alice asked.

"Yes. It's perfect." Bella said.

"Great." Alice said. "And second, I need the addresses for Renée and Phil and your friends." Bella wrote down the addresses. "Thank you." Alice said.

"No problem." Bella said, walking out of the room. Alice finished making the invitations.

"Come on, we can mail these out and then go dress shopping." Alice said. "Why don't you see if Rosalie wants to join."

"Ok." Alexis said. She walked upstairs and found Rosalie in a room with Emmett. "Rose, me and Alice are going dress shopping if you want to come." She said.

"Sure." Rosalie said, getting up. "I'll see you later, babe." She kissed Emmett and walked out of the room.

Alexis, Rosalie, and Alice walked out of the house and got in the car, heading to the mall. When they got there, Alice parked the car and they walked in, heading into a dress shop. Alexis started browsing through the aisles. She found a purple lace dress that she thought was perfect. She walked into the dressing room, changed into it, and came back out.

"What do you think?" She asked Rose and Alice.

"That looks great on you!" Alice said.

"Agreed." Rosalie said. Alexis looked in the full length mirror.

"I do like it." She said, looking at herself ok the mirror.

"Then get it." Alice said.

"Ok." Alexis said. After Rosalie and Alice found their dresses, they paid for them and headed out to the car. They drove home. Alexis walked inside and went up to her room, hanging her dress on her closet door. She got some dinner and laid on her bed, texting Seth until she fell asleep.

Alexis Cullen(A Twilight & Carlisle Fanfic)[Completed]Where stories live. Discover now