Chapter 32

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The next day, Alexis woke up and got out of bed. She looked at herself in the mirror. For some reason, she felt different today. She shrugged off the feeling and got dressed. She changed into a dark purple crop top and short shorts. Renesmee had a similar outfit on. They walked downstairs and went into the main room. "Morning Dad." Alexis said.

"Hi Alexis. Good morn-." Carlisle started to greet his daughter, but stopped when he saw her outfit. "What are you wearing?"

"I figured I try something new." Alexis said.

Renesmee nodded in agreement. "Do you like it, Alice?" Renesmee asked.

"It's definitely different." Alice said, looking at the two of them.

"Go upstairs and change." Bella said to Renesmee.

"You too, Alexis." Carlisle said.

"No." Alexis said.

"Come on." Alice said, standing up. "I'll help you guys pick out outfits."

"I don't have to listen to you." Renesmee said to Bella.

"I am your mother and you will do as I say." Bella said. Alexis and Renesmee ignored everyone and sat on the couch. They heard music coming from the music room.

"Ugh. What's that noise?" Renesmee asked. "It sounds like a cat is dying."

"That is your father playing the piano." Bella said.

"Are you sure it's not Emmett or Jasper?" Alexis asked. "They can't play to save their lives."

"Alexis!" Carlisle scolded.

"What?" She asked. "It's true."

"That's not nice." Esme said.

"I don't care." Alexis said.

"What is going with you guys?" Carlisle asked. "Why are you two acting like this?"

"Nothing's going on with us." Alexis said.

Just then, Edward came into the room. "What's going on?" He asked.

"You're daughter has been giving us an attitude and talking back to us." Bella said.

"So has Alexis." Carlisle said.

"Why?" Edward asked.

"We don't know." said Bella.

"Was that you playing, Dad?" Renesmee asked. "You've gotten a lot worse."

"Watch it, young lady?" Edward scolded.

Carlisle stood up. "You two need to cut the attitude out, right now." He said, looking at Alexis and Renesmee.

"We agree." Bella and Edward said. Renesmee and Alexis rolled their eyes and ignored them.

Later that afternoon, everyone was in the woods, hunting. As they were hunting, Renesmee heard voices. She walked towards them and saw a couple, walking on the trail. "Alexis." Renesmee whispered, trying to get her attention.

Alexis walked over to her. "What?" She asked. Renesmee put her fingers to her lips to tell Alexis to be quiet and then she put her hand to Alexis's cheek.

"See that couple over." Renesmee said, telepathically. Alexis looked to where Renesmee was pointing and nodded. "Let's feed on them." Renesmee suggested. Alexis got mischievous smile on her face and nodded. They went over the couple and stood behind them. They looked at each other and then sunk their teeth into the couple's neck. They heard the couple screaming.

"Alexis! Renesmee!" Alice yelled. "Stop it! Now!" Once they drained the couple dry, they let go and let them fall to the ground.

"Too late. They're dead." Alexis and Renesmee said, smiling with a huge grin on their faces.

"What is going on?" Carlisle said, appearing.

"Carlisle, they fed on two humans and killed them." Alice said.

"What!" Carlisle said, shocked. "You guys know better than that."

"I don't see what the big deal is." Renesmee said.

"You two know that we don't feed on humans because we don't want to draw attention to ourselves." Esme said.

"Whatever." Alexis said.

"Jasper and Emmett, take the couple to the police station." Carlisle said. "Hopefully they didn't have any family that will miss them." Jasper and Emmett picked up the man and woman. "And you two." Carlisle said, turning to Alexis and Renesmee. "Get home." The two stood there and didn't move. "Now!" He said. Alexis and Renesmee started walking, with the rest of the family following behind them. "The sun's out, so don't go too much out of the woods." Carlisle said.

Renesmee and Alexis looked at each other, thinking the same thing and they ran ahead of everyone. They walked towards the road where there was a diner across the street. If they stood in the sun, everyone would see them sparkle. They were about to come out of the woods, but Edward and Alice grabbed and pulled them back into the woods. "What are guys doing!?" Edward asked. "Get home!" They all headed home.

Alexis Cullen(A Twilight & Carlisle Fanfic)[Completed]Where stories live. Discover now