Chapter 14

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A couple months later, Alexis was hanging out with her family. They had all gotten settled into their new life. Edward has left them though. He said he needed to be alone and think. Alexis was watching tv when all of a sudden, they saw Alice have a vision. Jasper rushed over to her.

"Alice, what is it?" He asked. "What do you see?"

"Where's Carlisle?" Alice asked.

"In his study." Alexis answered. Alice went up to Carlisle's study and knocked on the door.

"Come in." Carlisle said. Alice walked in and closed the door behind her.

"I need to talk to you." She said.

"What is it, Alice?" Carlisle asked, setting his pen down and looking up at her.

"I had a vision." Alice said. "Of Bella."

"What did you see?" Carlisle asked.

"She jumped off a cliff. I think she's dead." Alice said. Carlisle was quiet. "I think we should go back to Forks." Alice said.

"Ok. Give me some time to think." Carlisle said. Alice left the room and went back downstairs. Alexis had used her super hearing to hear the conversation between Alice and her father.

"Bella's dead!" Alexis said, once Alice came back into the living room.

"What?!" Jasper asked.

"Alexis." Alice said. "That conversation was private."

"Well when you're saying that we should move back to Forks, it involves the rest of us." Alexis said. Just then, Carlisle came downstairs.

"Where's Rose, Emmett, and Esme?"

"Upstairs." Jasper said. "

Everyone, come downstairs." Carlisle called upstairs. Rosalie, Esme, and Emmett came downstairs.

"What's going on, Carlisle?" Esme asked.

"We're going back to Forks." Carlisle said.

"Why?" Emmett asked.

"Alice had a vision of Bella jumping off a cliff and she thinks she might be dead." Carlisle replied.

"We need to go back and see if she's alright." Alice said.

"Why?" Rosalie asked, annoyed.

"You might not like or care about Bella, but I do and I want to make sure she's ok." Alice said. Rosalie sighed. It was settled. They were going back to Forks. Alexis was excited because she would get to see Seth again. They packed their bags, got in their car, and drove to Washington. When they got back to their house, Alice drove to Bella's house. Alexis went to Seth's to surprise him. She knocked on the door, when she got there. Seth opened it.

"Alexis!" He said, surprised. "What are you doing here?"

"We're back." Alexis said. Seth hugged her, tightly.

"I've missed so much." He said.

"Me too." Alexis said, hugging him back.

"Why did you come back?" Seth asked. "Alice had a vision that something happened to Bella and we came back to see if she was alright." Alexis answered.

"Oh ok." Seth said.

"I'm going to head back home, just in case Alice comes back." Alexis said. "I just wanted to come surprise you."

"Ok." Seth said.

"I'll text you later." Alexis said.

"Ok." Seth said again. Alexis walked off and headed back to the house. When she got there, she saw Alice and Bella.

"Bella!" Alexis said, going over to her and hugging her. "I'm so glad you're ok."

"It's good to see you again, Alexis." Bella said, hugging her back. Alexis looked around and saw that everyone looked sad.

"What's going on?" She asked.

"It's Edward." Esme said.

"What happened to Edward?" Alexis asked.

"He's gone to Volterra. He's going to expose himself to humans." Alice asked.

"Why would he do that?" Alexis asked.

"I'm guessing he heard my thoughts when I had my vision and then I had a vision of him in Volterra." Alice said.

"Why?" Alexis continued to ask.

"Because he thinks Bella's dead and he wants to die too." Alice said. 

"Why does he think Bella's dead when she isn't?" Alexis asked.

"Earlier tonight, he called my dad." Bella said. "Jacob answered the phone and said that he was arranging a funeral, but it's for Harry Clearwater."

"What happened to Harry Clearwater?" Alexis asked.

"He had a heart attack and died." Bella answered. Alexis looked horrified hearing the news. All she could think about was how Seth was taking it.

"Me and Bella are going to Volterra to try and stop him." Alice said. "We'll be back soon." They left the house and drove off.

The rest of the family spent the time waiting, worrying about them. They came back three days later, with Edward. Everyone hugged him and said they were glad to see him.

Alexis Cullen(A Twilight & Carlisle Fanfic)[Completed]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon