Chapter 44

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A couple months later, it was day of the wedding. Alexis was in Alice's room with Alice, Rosalie, Esme, Bella, and Renesmee. She was in a chair in front of the vanity mirror with Alice and Rosalie doing her hair and makeup. They had been spending all morning getting Alexis ready and they weren't done yet.

"Are you done yet, Alice?" Alexis complained.

"Almost." Alice said.

"Now I get how you felt, Bella." Alexis said.

"Yeah, I don't miss that." Bella said.

"You know, you haven't told me about your Dad's wedding." Renesmee said. "Or even how you guys met."

"I'll tell you later." Bella said.

"There. I'm done." Alice said as she finished Alexis's makeup.

"It looks great." Alexis said. "Thanks guys." She got up from the chair and they helped her into the dress so her hair and makeup wouldn't get messed up. Afterwards, they left the room and Alexis a few moments to herself. She looked out the window at everyone waiting. Alice had set everything up the same way she did Bella's. When she was ready, she walked out of room and went downstairs. She saw her father waiting at the bottom of the stairs. She smiled at him as she got to the bottom of the stairs and he smiled back at her. She saw the venom in his eyes.

"Dad, you look like you're about to cry." She joked.

"If I could, I would be." Carlisle said, chuckling. "You look beautiful, princess."

"Thank you." Alexis said.

"Ready?" Carlisle said, holding his arm out.

"Yep." Alexis said, taking his arm. They walked out of the house and towards everyone. As they got to the aisle, Alexis saw Seth. She smiled at him. He was the only person she saw. When they got to him, Carlisle kissed Alexis on the forehead and sat next to Esme. Alexis faced Seth and he smiled at her. The minister started the ceremony. Alexis and Seth said their vows and I do.

"You may now kiss the bride." The minister said. Alexis and Seth kissed each other. Everyone clapped when they pulled apart. They walked down the aisle, holding hands.

Later that evening, everyone was at the reception. Alexis and Seth were at a table with Carlisle, Esme, and Sue. A bunch of people gave speeches. Like Emmett, Alice, Renesmee, Carlisle, and Sue. Seth did a speech too. Alexis teared up a bit when Seth and Carlisle did their speeches. After that, everyone enjoyed the reception. Seth and Alexis were walking around talking to people. The Denali's came up to them.

"Alexis." Carmen said.

"Hey guys." Alexis greeted them and hugging them. "Seth, you remember the our cousins right?"

"Of course." Seth said. "It's nice to see you all again."

"And you as well." Tanya said. They walked off and Alexis and Seth continued to talk to people. Sam and Emily were the next people to approach them.

"Congratulations you two." Sam said.

"Thank you, Sam. Emily." Seth said. They heard music playing.

"Would you like to dance?" Seth asked.

"Yes." Alexis said. Seth took her hand, leading her over to the dance floor, and they started dancing. A few minutes later, someone came over to them.

"May I cut in?" Carlisle asked.

"Of course." Seth said. He let Carlisle take his place.

"I'm so happy for you and proud of you, baby girl." Carlisle said.

"Thank you." Alexis said. "But I'm not a baby anymore. I'm 150 years old."

"You will always be my baby girl." Carlisle said. For the second time that evening, Alexis teared up. "I love you so much." Carlisle said.

"I love you too, Daddy." Alexis said. After they danced for a few minutes more, Alexis went to go find Seth.

Once the reception was over, Alexis changed out of her wedding dress and into a more comfortable one. Seth and her were getting ready to leave for their honeymoon. They had decided to spend a couple weeks in London. Carlisle had a house there, that he owned, so they didn't have to worry about getting a hotel room. Alexis walked out of the house just as Alice was putting their bags in Seth's car. She got in the car with Seth. He started it and everyone waved them off as they headed to the airport. A few hours later, the plane landed in London and Alexis and Seth got off the plane. They grabbed their luggage and Seth got a rental car. He helped Alexis put the luggage in the trunk and they headed to the house. When they got there, they brought the luggage into the house. Even though it was morning in London, Seth and Alexis were exhausted and jet-lagged so they decided to get some sleep. They both changed into comfortable clothes and got into bed. Alexis snuggled up to Seth in his warm embrace.

"I love you, Alexis." Seth said.

"I love you, too." Alexis said.

"Good night, my love." Seth said as he wrapped his arms around Alexis and kissed her on the forehead. They both fell asleep.

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