Chapter 31

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A month later, Alexis woke up beaming with joy. It was her birthday today and she was excited. She saw that Renesmee wasn't in bed. She was probably already downstairs. Alexis got dressed and made her way downstairs. She walked into the kitchen and saw her dad and Esme making breakfast. "Good morning." Alexis greeted them.

"Good morning, Alexis." Esme said, smiling. "Happy Birthday."

"Thank you." Alexis said.

"Happy birthday, princess." Carlisle said. He went over to his daughter and hugged her and kissed her on the top of the head. "What's for breakfast?"

"Cinnamon rolls." Carlisle said.

"Mmm. My favorite." Alexis said, smiling.

"Alexis, would you mind getting Renesmee for breakfast?" Carlisle asked. "She's in the living room."

"Certainly." Alexis said, heading towards the living room.

"No." Esme said, stopping Alexis. "I'll get Renesmee."

"Why can't I get her?" Alexis asked.

"Just, I'll get her." Esme said again.

"Ok." Alexis said, suspiciously. She made herself some peppermint hot chocolate for her and Renesmee and sat at the table. Carlisle set two plates down. Renesmee walked into the kitchen.

"Happy birthday, Lexi!" Renesmee said, hugging Alexis.

"Thanks Nessie." Alexis said. They both started eating.

After they finished eating, they put their dishes in the sink, grabbed their mugs with hot chocolate, and walked into the living room. "Hang on a minute." Carlisle said, stopping Alexis just before she could walk into the living room. He went into the room and then came back out to Alexis. "Ok. You can go in." He said. Alexis laughed and walked into the living room. Everyone was waiting.

"Happy Birthday Alexis!" They all said. Alexis smiled and looked around the room. There were balloons and a banner that read, "Happy Birthday."

"Thank you!" Alexis said. "You guys didn't have to do this. It's not like we're having a party."

"Of course we decorated for your birthday." Alice said.

"Do you want to open your gifts?" Jasper asked.

"Let's wait until Jacob and Seth get here." Alexis said.

"Ok." Emmett said.

Once Jacob and Seth arrived, Alexis sat on the couch with gifts surrounding her. She started opening gifts. She opened Alice and Jasper's gift first. They had gotten her a couple nice dresses. She opened Rosalie and Emmett. She got a pair of boots from them. She got a music book filled with song lyrics from broadway shows from her father and Esme and she got a bracelet from Jacob and Renesmee. "It's beautiful." Alexis said, hugging Renesmee.

"We got it while we were in Brazil." Renesmee said.

"You got this in Brazil?" Alexis asked.

"Yeah." Jacob said. The next gift she opened was Seth's. She carefully opened the wrapping. She saw a book inside. She picked it up and opened it. The book was filled with pictures of Seth and Alexis together. Most of the pictures were from their trip in Brazil.

"I love it, Seth. Thank you." Alexis said.

"Happy birthday, baby." Seth said, kissing Alexis. Alexis kissed him back.

"Thank you guy so much for the gifts." Alexis said, after opening up all the gifts. "I love them all."

"You're very welcome." They all said.

"Who's ready for some cake?" Alice asked.

"I am." "Me." Alexis and Renesmee said at the same time.

"I could definitely go for some cake." Seth said.

"Me too." said Jacob. The four of them walked into the kitchen with Alice. The rest of them followed. Alice and Rosalie had made a chocolate Oreo cheesecake for Alexis. Alice cut a couple pieces up and put them on plates. She handed one to Alexis.

"Thanks Alice." Alexis said, taking a bite.

"You're welcome." Alice said. As she was handing Renesmee her piece, she dropped it and it shattered into pieces. The look on her face told everyone what had just happened.

"Alice, what did you see?" Carlisle asked.

"The Volturi." Alice answered. "They're coming."

"What!?" Everyone said in shock.

"How soon?" Edward asked.

"Tonight." Alice replied.

"What do they want?" Esme asked.

"I don't know?" Alice said.

" Well, I guess we'll find out." Emmett said.

That evening, everyone went outside and waited for the Volturi. After a couple minutes, Aro, Caius, And Marcus arrived with Jane, Alec, and Felix.

"Why hello Cullens." Aro greeted them.

"Have you come to punish us for another law that we didn't break?" Emmett snapped.

"On the contrary." Aro said. "We've come for a proposition."

"What do you want, Aro?" Carlisle asked.

"We want Renesmee and Alexis." Caius said.

"Why?" Bella asked.

"We think they would make great additions to the guard." said Marcus.

"Why do you want them?" Rosalie asked.

"Because they're hybrids." Aro said. "They're different from us. They're different."

"No." Carlisle said.

"Oh come on, Carlisle." Aro said. "We aren't going to harm them. We simply want them to join the guard."

"I said no!" Carlisle said.

"I would reconsider the offer, or else things might start happening to them." Aro warned.

"We are not letting them go with you!" Edward said.

"Very well." Aro said. The six of them rushed off. Everyone looked at each other and went inside.

"Hopefully we'll never see them about this again." Jasper said. They spent the rest of the evening relaxing.

Alexis Cullen(A Twilight & Carlisle Fanfic)[Completed]Where stories live. Discover now