He looked at Rose with shock on his face. And for the first time rose got a good look at his face. It was surprisingly young but it was off. He had piercing green eyes, they almost seemed to glow in the dark. He had very short hair but she could tell it was the same shade as the man in the picture.

"How old are you? You look fwd to young for a soldier of your supposed stature."

"I'm 27, and if your wondering why I look younger than I am it's classified."

Rose was taken aback by this answer. "That would be less than ten years since the time you enlist to this level. Frankly I think it would be simply impossible looking at your military ranking systems here on this planet."

"I didn't join at 18. Which is the minimum age to him the UNSC."

"What do you mean you didn't join at 18. If you joined later that would accentuate my point even more."

"It's classified."

"Seems everything about you is classified."

"That's the way ONI want it to stay, and I don't know weather I like it or not."

"What's ONI."

"ONI or the office of naval intelligence is the Intelligence gathering section of the UNSC. They were in charge of us Spartans. But their very secretive, manipulative, their hands are probably even dirtier than mine, and they have done to many terrible thing s to even count."

"Then why do let let them exist still?"

"Because they are highly effective."

It was silent far a bit after that. They just were gazing out to the ocean. Until Rose broke the silence.

"What's your name. Because 009 doesn't sound much like one."

"That's classified."

"Apparently that's almost always your answer. How about I'll tell you a secret if you tell me what you are and what your name is."

"Do you know how big of a secret that is. Only the Spartans themselves the scientists who worked on it and the very top officials of the UNSC and ONI even know!"

"Trust me I can top it."

She looked down solemnly as saying this.

"Fine tell me yours and I'll see if it's worthy of disclosing mine. Because I could be court marshalled if the UNSC ever found out I told you anything about it."

Rose looked at him for a second and sighed. "I'm actually Pink Diamond."

His eyes widened. He knew exactly what the diamonds were and how powerful they are. Because Quasar was sending him all the info he was receiving. He looked at Rose shocked. Only to see the sadness written on her face.

"How is that possible."

She started telling him the story of her wanting her own colony only to find out it was full of life. How she fell in love with it, how she went undercover as a Quartz to find out what her gems thought of it the sadness of finding out  they don't care starting a revolution against herself and Homeworld and finally taking her own shattering.

"Who else knows."

"Only Pearl since she was there to help me and since the beginning."

"Any other massive skeletons in the closet."

"I'm pregnant."

This made him facepalm.

"How does that even work... never mind I don't want to know. Wait what would happen to you if you have birth?"

"The baby would inherit my gem and it would become his or hers, and I will cease to be."

"And how do the rest of the gems and the dad take this news?"

She looked away sheepishly. "I urgent exactly... told them yet."

He facepalmed even harder.

"This is literal life changing news Rose and you havent even told your best friend and teammates or even the kids own father's about this!"

"I plan on telling them tomorrow."

"Who's the dad anyway."

She smiled and looked at a van sitting by the boardwalk. "The most wonderful human I've ever met." She said with a solemn smile." Seems he'll be the first one to out live me." She smirked sadly.

"That's not something to joke about." He said with a blank look on his face.

"Will you tell me yours now."


He began a long explanation of his childhood .How he was kidnapped by the UNSC at the age of 6. Trained in brutal excercises, team building, tactics, weapons training along with various other fields. Augmentations at the age of 13. The pain of them and the less of almost half the candidates from them. The Covenants arrival. And his years of service of brutal missions and impossible odds of serving for over the past 15 years.

Rose looked at him with tears I her eyes. She leaned toward and hugged him. "I'm so sorry you had to go through all of that. No one should have to be subject to what you did."

He actually liked the hug he got from Rose. It felt so peaceful at the moment.

"I do miss the childhood I could have had and my parents. But I have never once regretted what happened."

Rose looked at him with confusion on her face.

"We were needed by everyone within the UEG and UNSC. We were the walls holding back the storm of the covenant. And we became their worst nightmare. So do I regret it, no. Without us humanity would have already fallen."

"Your a lot stronger than I am."

"What does that mean?"

"I would have ran, sometimes it feels like all I ever did. I never faced my problems head on. I always just had someone else do it or someone gets hurt no matter what I do." She was crying by the end of it.

"My name is will."

Rose stopped crying and looked over to him. Tears still I his eyes. "What."

"You asked me what me name was. It's will. Now come on I think we've been here long enough. We should go back and see the gems." He stood up and slung his helmet under his arm. Then turned around and extended his hand to her to pull her up. Rose excepted and took his hand. It was almost 4:30 in the morning so the sun was staring to come up. It illuminated their backs as they walked down the hill.

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