Chapter 9 - Best Friends and Betrayal

Start from the beginning

            “You want some more eggs boo?” Niall asked in a sing song voice. Louis chuckled and agreed to some more.

            “Okay open wide I’m gonna feed you!” Niall chirped. Louis tensed up for a bit before trying to act relaxed. He gave me a look before opening his mouth and Niall shoveled a mouthful of scrambled eggs in. He continued to do this and Louis kept staring in his eyes while Niall was distracted with not dropping any of the food off the spoon.

            “I got to go get ready! Be down in a few Lou!” Niall said while placing the spoon on his empty plate on the sink counter. He kissed Louis on the cheek and walked out of the kitchen to go to the guest room.

            Louis looked over at a mix of shock and happiness across his face.

            “It was brotherly love, but I’ll take it!” he smiled and soon got up to get ready. I quickly grabbed my backpack and shoved all the books I needed into it. I walked to the door to see Louis and Niall scrambling down the stairs pushing and shoving each other trying to make it to the bottom. Louis tackled me to the ground.

            “I WIN I GOT TO HARRY FIRST!” he shrieked. Niall grumbled something like ‘cheater’ and walked out the door towards the car. I chuckled and followed Louis outside. I had to sit in the back while Niall sat shotgun and Louis drove.

            I was texting Zayn while Lou and Nialler were screaming the lyrics to some song on the radio together. It was a bit distracting, but hilarious at the same time. I wonder sometimes if they are just drunk all the time.

Louis let us out at the front while he went in search of a parking space. I quickly checked my phone to see if Zayn had replied. I felt disappointed when there was no new message. I slipped my phone into the back pocket of my jeans and scan the school yard. There’s the jocks and cheerleader in the far left. I should probably head over there. But I want to hang out with Zayn...

I shoot him a text saying to meet me at the doorway so we can walk in together. I then made my way over to where that social butterfly I know as Niall James Horan is. As usual, he’s chatting away with Liam and some other girls.

*Zayn’s POV*

            I checked my phone and saw a new text message from Harry. We were last texting about what foods were vegetables or fruits.

            From Harry:

Hey I’m at school already so meet me at the entrance!

            I quickly replied saying I was on my way. Another five minutes and I should be there. I actually got up early enough today to make it on time. It’s a pretty long walk from my house and I usually have trouble waking up on time to make the walk.

            Should I consider Harry my friend? I had kind of decided a while ago that getting attached to anyone was a horrible idea. See where it ended me now? Alone with rumors hanging from my name. No one ever just says ‘Zayn Malik’ unless there’s something new they made up to say with it.

            But Harry is different now. He doesn’t seem like that same school slut everyone knows him as. Maybe I could have a friend again. It would be nice and Harry already seems to think of us as friends so why not? I can trust him. I believe in Harry and he doesn’t seem likely to hurt me anymore.

            “Zayn!” I look over to see Harry waving me over towards the doorway. I smile and head towards him. I was getting happy to have someone to talk to again. With my eyes focused on Harry and the entryway, I didn’t notice the person in front of me.

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