Part 32: All Hallow's Eve

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1. I want to visit a place that scares the crap out of me this Halloween. WHO'S WITH ME?!

2. I think for Halloween, I shall go as Karma. Some of you should be worried.

3. Jehovah's witnesses don't celebrate Halloween... I guess they don't appreciate random people coming to their door.

4. Nothing related to Halloween scares me. What scares me is when I flush someone else's toilet and the water keeps rising.

5. Guy inside house: You expect me to give you a handout? The candy is on the roof. If you're lucky it might trickle down.

Trick-or-Treaters: Oh crap, a republican.

6. Witch 1: What's your favorite curse?

Witch 2: Giving men a dose of menopause!

7. Friend 1: Good idea getting this candy early! Now we don't have to rush out right before Halloween.

Friend 2: No kidding! Why do we always do that?

*15 minutes later, after eating all the candy*

Friend 1: I just remembered why we don't buy candy early.

Friend 2: I think I'm gonna go lie down and hate myself for a little bit...

8. Don't scare me! I poop easily!

9. This Halloween I'm gonna hand out lemons and wear a T-shirt that says "Life" on it.

10. Guy: Oh look how much candy you have! I'm goning to take half and give it to the kids too lazy to trick or treat for themselves!

Trick-orTreaters: Oh crap, a demorcrat.

11. My lack of dusting skills will finally pay off at Halloween.

12. Friend 1: Man, the costume store was totally picked over! I think I'm gonna regret waiting so long to buy my Halloween costume.

Friend 2: What you're really gonna regret is not buying that slutty nurse getup in a more realistic size.

13. Never trust anything that can think for itself if you can't see where it keeps it's brain!

14. *Halloween Group Therapy*

Dracula: My love life bites.

Ghost: I'm not the man I used to be.

Pumpkin: I feel hollow.

Witch: I curse everything.

Zombie: I haven't felt alive in years.

Decapitated Head: I just feel disconnected.

15. Man Handing Out Candy: Bye! See you next month!

Trick or Treater 1: Who the heck is he?

Trick or treater 2: The dentist.

16. My diet today: 1% Real Food 99% Halloween Candy

17. For Halloween I should dress as someone from Scooby Doo and take off people's masks.

18. I don't dress up for Halloween. However, if I did, I would dress up as the water bottle that hit Justin Beiber in the face. -Twitter Voldermort

19. Ghost 1: BOO!

Ghost 2: What?

Ghost 1: Oh, come on, Pat...Don't act like you weren't scared sheetless.

20. Halloween is by far the safest day to kill a person and leave them in a chair on your porch.


Ok so it's not Halloween Time anymore but I don't give a crap. Love it!!!

Anyway, I hope you guys are laughing your butts off at all these new parts!

Kingslayer_XD ~d(-_-)b~

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 23, 2014 ⏰

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