Part 9: BFFL&D...(Best Friends For Life & Death)

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  • Dedicated to My BEST friend Amber!

1. When an "all-night" means not getting up to pee...When all the names in my black book have M.D. after them...When "getting lucky" means finding my car in the parking lot...When the candles cost more than the cake...I promise you..we'll still be best friends.

2. You drink too much, swear too much and have questionable're everything I've ever wanted in a best friend.

3. A best friend is someone who, when you show up at their door with a dead body, says nothing, grabs a shovel and follows you.

4. As your best friend, swear to always pretend to be your lesbian lover when you are getting hit on by an ugly butt hole in a bar.

5. Happiness is.....throwing things at your best friend.

6. We'll be best friends forever because you already know too much.

7. A real best friend makes your family question your sexuality.

8. Having those weird conversations with your best friend and thinking "if anyone heard us we'd be put in a mental hospital".

9. Best friends: They know how crazy you are and still choose to be seen with you in public.

10. Fake Friends: Never ask for food.

Real Friends: Are the reason you have no food.

Fake Friends: Call your parents Mr/Mrs.

Real Friends: Call your parents Mom and Dad.

Fake Friends: Have never seen you cry.

Real Friends: Cry with you.

Fake Friends: Borrow your stuff for a few days then give it back.

Real Friends: Keep your stuff so long they forget it's yours.

Fake Friends: Know about you.

Real Friends: Could write a book about you.

Fake Friends: Would knock on your front door.

Real Friends: Walk right in and say "I'm home!"

Fake Friends: Will help you when you fall over.

Real Friends: Will jump on top of you and shout "DOG-PILE!"

Fake Friends: Are around for a while.

Real Friends: Are for life.

Fake Friends: Say "Love you" in a joking manner.

Real Friends: Say "I love you" and they mean it.

Fake Friends: Will read this.

Real Friends: Will steal this.

11. That awesome moment when your telling a lie and your best friend notices and joins in.

12. Normal Friend: Oh you're so pretty!

Best Friend: Shrek called. He wants his face back.

13. Best friends don't get offended when you insult them. They smile and call you something even more offensive.

14. So here's to....

The crap we talk,

The boys we stalk.

The way we shop,

The laughs we can't stop,

The gossip we spill,

The looks that could kill,

We'll stay together,

cuz we're best friends forever!

15. Best Friend /noun/: The one person you can't get mad at for long periods of time because you have important stuff to tell them.

16. Relatable Moment: Slapping your best friend when you get excited about something.

17. A best friend is like a good bra...Hard to find, Supportive, Comfortable, Always lifts you up, Makes you look better and...close to your heart!

18. We are best friends. Always remember that if you fall, I will pick you back up....after I finish laughing.

19. Good friends talk about their love friends talk about poop.

20. I hope we're best friends until we die. And the I hope we stay ghost best friends and walk through walls and scare the crap outta people.

21. Friends try to calm you down when you're mad. Best friends skip along beside you with a baseball bat singing "someone's gonna get it".

22. Me and you is best friends. You smile, I smile. You hurt, I hurt. You cry, I cry. You jump off a bridge, I'm gonna miss your emails.

23. A friend is someone you call when  you need bail money. A best friend is sitting right there beside you saying "the party's not over til the mugshots are taken."

24. Best friend to best friend:


#2: Holaaaaa!!!! Que pasa!? I'm eating bf in my underwear!! I FEEL SO FREE

#1: You're eating boyfriend in your underwear?!?!?!?!? Who's?!?!?!?

#2: OH GOSH. Breakfast!!!

#1: Ohhh.....That makes more sense now.

#2: You made me spit out my oatmeal!!! Jerk lmfao.

25. Boy band merchandise: 10 bucks

Concert tickets: 100 dollars

Motel for 2 nights: 150 dollars

Meet and Greet/VIP/Backstage pass: 75 dollars

Fangirling over said band and tackling them to the ground like deranged linebackers in a fit of passion: Handcuffs and a restraining order.

Finding best friends with the same mental disorder: Priceless.


I made this part a little longer because it's a really good theme and it deserves to be longer. I have a best friend and this chapter is dedicated to her. She may never read this but I want her to know how much I love her no matter how many fights we get in or how far away we may live or how long it goes without seeing each other. I will always 100 and 10,000% love you.

And for the rest of my beloved and probably (hopefully) delusional followers, a little peice of advice...No matter what you're both going through, whether you don't think you can handle her right then or vice versa (especially if you don't think you can handle each other) TELL YOUR BEST FRIEND YOU LOVE HER!!!!!

I cannot stress this enough. You can be going through anything and just saying I love you and hearing it back will make everything easier to go through. Because the worse thing you can EVER, EVER, EVER go through is losing your best friend.

Love all of you,

Kingslayer_XD ~d(-_-)b~

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