Part 13: Ha Ha JIE!!

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1. When I die will someone please go to my funeral dressed like the Grim Reaper? Don't say anything, just stand there...

2. Wow, you're really going fight me on the internet? What's the worst you can do? Caps-lock me to death?

3. When people see you lying down with your eyes closed they still ask "Are you sleeping?"

"No, I'm training to die."

4. That awkward moment between your birth and your death.

5. People at weddings always poke me and say "You're next." so I started doing the same thing at funerals.

6. Wouldn't it be ironic to die in the living room?

7. When I die I want my last words to be "I left a million dollars in the..."

8. I want to die peacefully, like my grandfather....not screaming and yelling like the passengers in his car.

9. Sheldon Cooper: Trust me, if I had a death ray, I wouldn't be living here. I'd be in my lair enjoying the money the people of Earth gave me for not using my death ray.

10. Caleb White: As a mortician, I always tie the shoelaces of the dead together. That way, if there is a zombie apocalypse, it will be hilarious.

11. When I die, I want to be thrown out of a plane wearing a Superman costume.

12. When I die, I'd like someone to update my Facebook status just to freak people out, "Hey they have free wifi in Hell!"

13. Googling your symtoms when you don't feel well is the best way to convince yourself your dying.

14. My death will probably be caused by being sarcastic at the wrong time.

15. "I'm sorry." and "My bad." mean the same thing...unless you're at a funeral.

16. Don't  judge me because I'm one plans a murder out loud.

17. I don't trust joggers. They are always the ones that find dead bodies...just saying.

18. I'm not saying let's kill all the stupid people. I'm just saying let's remove all the warning labels and let the problem sort itself out.

19. Beer before liquior, never sicker. Toothpaste before orange juice, dead.

20. Why do we feel safe under blankets? It's not like a murderer will come in thinking "I'm gonna ki- Ahh crap! She's under a blanket!"


Hello my creepers!!!! I know this may sound a bit morbid but I REALLY LIKED THIS PART.....okay so that was more morbid than a bit.  O.O don't judge me.....

......You're judging aren't you????


Anywho, read some more, vote for me and comment please!!!

Kingslayer_XD ~d(-_-)b~

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