Part 19: Peeps Be Trippin'

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1. I'm not clumsy! It's just the floor hates me, the table and chairs are bullies and the walls just get in my way.

2. I didn't fall. The floor just needed a hug.

3. Today I will be elegant and classy....or I will spill food on my shirt and trip over things.

4. "Did you just fall?"

"No. I attacked the floor."


"I'm freakin' talented!"

5. Advice For the Clumsy 

1) Tie your shoelaces

2) Don't spit into the wind

3) Keep only plastic kitchenware

4) Speak less gibberish

5) Stay away from museums

6) Never buy permanent markers

7) Be careful around fire

8) Just say no to scissors

9) Only borrow things of small value

If you need this advice DON'T HAVE KIDS!

6. I'm the kind of person who goes to pick up the pencil I dropped and then drops it again.

7. I don't trip....I do random gravity checks. It's still working!

8. Having cats is like having a pack of tiny, clumsy, butthole, ninjas running around your house destroying everything and constantly trying to trip and kill you.

9. Clumsy = (It + Broken) X Frequency

10. I don't laugh often but when I do it's because someone fell. Stay clumsy my friends!

11. If you fall, I'll be there.    - Floor

12.  I'm the type of girl that....falls flat on her face and starts cracking up.

13. No you're not clumsy. You're graceful. Like a ballerina. On crack.

14. First Physics Law of Cartoons: Gravity will not work till you look down.

15. So true: Tripping over an object then verbally abusing it.

16. I like you but if zombies chase us I'm tripping you.

17. I'm not clumsy! I'm accident-prone.

18. Wife: What happened? Did you fall down the stairs?!!

Husband: Tripped over cat...


Husband: Your....concern is....touching....

19. B**ches be trippin.....OK maybe I pushed one.

20. It's trippy to be a hippy.


Ok so that last one had nothing to do with actual tripping but it sounds cool when you say it so I threw it in there.....Ok you can stop saying it now...

As always I hope you guys loved it and keep commenting and voting as well. I've already passed not one but TWO reads goals with this book and I'm almost halfway to my first votes goal as well....please keep voting and commenting! It really means the world!

I love gettin' on Wattpad and seeing my numbers rising cause of all of you awesome peeps!!!

Alright dudes, stay cool!!

Kingslayer_XD ~d(-_-)b~

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