Part 5: Percentages

95 4 5

1. When your home alone and someone knocks on the door: 10% say "Who's there?", 64% look through the peep hole, 25% open the door, 1% crawl around on the ground like a ninja and  look through the window very quietly to make sure it isn't a masked murderer.

2. I always give 100% at work: 10% on Monday, 23% on Tuesday, 40% on Wednesday, 22% on Thursday, 5% on Friday!

3. My Brain: 5% Names, 3% Phone Numbers, 2% Stuff I Should Know For School, 90% Song Lyrics.

4. 90% of women don't like men in pink shirts....Ironically 90% of men in pink shirts don't like women.

5. Whatever you do give 100%....unless you're donating blood.

6. 99% of guys are hot...the other 1% go to my school.

7.  Statistics say that 1 in 4 people are insane so take a look at your 3 best  friends, if they are all OK, it's you!

8. 79% of people don't know the opposite words for the following:

1) Always

2) Coming

3) From

4) Take

5) Me

6) Down

9. Yawning is your body's way of saying 20% battery power remaining.

10. Of the students surveyed: 64% prefer English and 32% prefer Math. The fact that these numbers do not add up to 100 may explain why.

11. I wish these were true and false questions on math tests. At least that way I'd have 70% chance of getting one right.

12. I'm like 25% funny and 85% bad at math.

13. We all watch a lot of TV. A lot of bad TV. Did you know the average American watches 27 hours of TV a day? It's a fact.

14. Statistics show that teen pregnancy drops off significantly after age 25.

15. 2% of people think; 3 % of people think they think; 95% of people would rather die than think.

16. I may look like I'm having really deep thoughts but 99% of the time I'm just thinking about what food I'm gonna eat later.

17. Why I don;t look out the window at night: 1% I'm afraid of the dark; 99% I'm afraid I might see a face looking at me.

18. It's estimated that at any given time 0.7% of the world's population is drunk.

19. Patient: Well that's a relief, Doctor."

Doctor: Don't worry Mr. Smith. I'm right 98% of the time."

Doctor: Yes, My motto has always been, "Who cares about the other 3%?"

Patient: .....

20. 40% of all statistics are wrong.


This topic was a last minute idea after I saw that top quote. It took forever to find 20 quotes with percents and statistics but I did it! Whoo!

My next theme will be the awful...the dreaded...the subject-that-makes-everyone-scream-"shoot-me-now"-silently-in-their-heads....................................MATH! (X_X)


Bye! (^,*)

Kingslayer_XD ~d(-_-)b~

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