Part 15: Children...Dun Dun DUNNN!!

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1. When I have children, I'm going to make them watch the movie "2012" and tell them I survived that.

2. Dear Children, I only take credit for the first 9 months. After that you were exposed to your father.

3. Kids have so much energy because they siphon it off of their parents like midget gasoline thieves.

4. I shall have 4 children. My first daughter shall be named Stacy. I'll be Stacy's mom, and I shall have it going on. My first son shall be named Luke. Then, my husband can say "Luke, I am your father." My second daughter shall be named Narnia. Whenever I get something for her I shall proclaim "For Narnia!" And my last son shall be named Sparta. Thus, when introducing him I shall announce, "This is Sparta."

5. When I get a headache I take two aspirin and keep away from children just like the bottle says.

6. Good moms let you lick the beaters...great moms turn them off first!

7. That moment when you realize your kids have your twisted sense of humor.....and you don't know whether to be PROUD or SCARED.

8. Some days my children's survival is based solely on their ability to run faster than me.

9. First child eats dirt; parent calls the doctor. Second child eats dirt; parent cleans mouth out. Third child eats dirt; parent wonders she they really needs to feed him lunch.

10. That moment as a parent when you realize your child has left the room and you've just been sitting there, alone, watching Sesame Street.....for the last 15 minutes.

11. Please pass me that parenting handbook...I need to smack my kid with it.

12. No matter how big and bad you are, if a two year old hands you a toy phone, you answer it.

13. Dad: Hey punk, when you coming home?

Son: Lol....I'll be back over around 2am. Can you keep the door unlocked please??????

Dad: H*** no! I'll keep a window unlocked but you have to figure out which one it is and try not to make the dog bark or you're grounded for a month.

Son: Challenge accepted.

14. Raising a teenager is like nailing JELLO to the wall.

15. Get long enough to become a problem to your kids.

16. That moment when you're checking on your sleeping baby and their eyes open so you run before you make direct eye contact.

17. You don't know something? Google it. You don't know someone? Facebook it. You don't find something? MOM!

18. Welcome to to being a parent of a teenager. Prepare for a large anount of eye rolling, emotional outbursts and thoughts of running away....and that's just the parents.

19. Daughter: Mom, where are you????

Mom: Leaving Walmart. Halfway home. Why sweetie?

Daughter: You brought me to Walmart with you -.-

Mom: OH DARN!! Be there in a bit.

20. A kid never says "Ok thanks, I get it." They just keep coming with more questions --why why why-- until you don't even know who the heck you are anymore by the end of the conversation.


All I have to say is keep being a kid everyone!!!!!!!

Seriously, that's all I have to say....I got nothing else. -_-

Read, comment and vote if you think the media on this part is adorable!!

(That means you HAVE to cause I mean c'mon, you can say that's not cute?)Kingslayer_XD~d(-_-)b~

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