Part 22: You Made Me Laugh So Hard Tears Ran Down My Leg!

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1. Laughing is the best medicine...but if you laugh for no reason, you need medicine.

2. "I didn't do it!"

"Then why are you laughing?"

"Because whoever did it is a freakin' genius!"

3. Looking at your best friend and laughing cause you know what they're thinking.

4. The one who laughs last is the slowest. The one who laughs first has the dirtiest mind.

5. I'm the type of girl who busts out laughing randomly at things you won't find nearly as hilarious as I do.

6. Everything's funnier when you're not allowed to laugh.

7. If you see me smiling it's because I'm thinking of doing something evil or naughty. If you see me laughing, it's because I've already done it.

8. I smile because you're my sister....I laugh cause there's NOTHING YOU CAN DO ABOUT IT.

9. LQTM (Laughing Quietly To Myself)......replacing LOL.

10. TODAY: I'm going to be productive, understanding and nice.... WHAT? I'm serious! Stop laughing!!

11. ME~~> Randomly laughing when you remember something funny.

12. When I laugh at jokes from the internet, I don't actually laugh. I just blow more air out of my nose or mouth than usual.

13. That awkward moment when you're laughing and you accidentally snort.

14. When I saw you had a girlfriend, I felt like I was dying....

And when I saw her profile picture, I died laughing!

15. Best Kinds of Laughter:

1) Laughing so hard your laugh becomes a cry.

2) Feeling a 6 pack coming on.

3) Tears coming out of your eyes.

16. LSHMSFOAIDMT = Laughing So Hard My Sombrero Falls Off And I Drop My Taco.

17. Laughter is the best medicine....except for treating diarrhea.....

18. Laugh...and the world laughs with you.

Laugh hysterically, for no apparent reason, and they'll leave you alone.

19. Me: OMG I have to tell you this story about- *starts laughing* *deep breath* "Ok there was this..." *starts laughing again.

20. ROTFLSHINCADBTISCAIOA = Rolling On The Floor Laughing So Hard I Nearly Choke And Die But Then I Smell Chocolate And I'm Okay Again.


(~,^) oh yeah, this was awesome to put together.. Hope I made you guys all LSHMSFOAIDMT or even ROTFLSHINCADBTISCAIOA if I'm REALLY lucky...

Anyway, my reads for ths book are almost to 1000!!!! YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Love to everyone who read!!!!!

Kingslayer_XD ~d(^,^)b~

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