As you kept looking towards the door of the bakery shop he had entered from the window of the second floor where you were at as the cafe library occupied two  floors of the building and you had chosen to find a spot at the upper floor , thankfully one by the window as was what you wanted. There was nothing better than a peaceful silence , a cup of hot chocolate and a big window to look from at the hectic city while a book would be resting on your lap, ready to take you to a new and definitely better reality than your current one.

While your eyes were pinned there , your mind was traveling to his stare while you were in that dressing room and somehow you just couldn't help but continue to question so many things regarding him. How was he really? At the beginning he seemed so friendly and nice, an approachable figure to say the least. He seems pretty bold and sure on his actions as well very spontaneous and understanding. He didn't know you much yet he had managed to tell every time something was wrong with you and had even went to lengths to brighten your mood. Actions that at the start you had found them as  friendly and now you doubt they were that. What if he was really just a player and from the start all his nice actions were just a way to appeal to you and get you in bed as most player would do? But if it really was that, what kind of person would that make him? 

The thought of him being just a player somehow made you sad. It would have been such a pity after all, if the merman that you and your friend referred to for so long and she used as an example of beauty , turned to be so not beautiful on the inside. 

With those thoughts in your head you finally saw him exiting the bakery and after he took some steps forward he suddenly stopped and seemed to look at a kid that was looking at the bakery's window. A woman was by the kid's side which you assumed that it must have been his mother and you saw Jimin approaching them and kneeling before the kid. He seemed to talk to it for a moment and the kid smiled as he offered to him the paper bag with which he had exited from the bakery, making you understand that he had just gave the croissants he bought to the kid.  Your eyes couldn't leave him as he smiled so brightly when the kid gave him a hug and the mother seemed to bow her head to him. They continued their way soon and Jimin just waved at the kid happily before getting back inside the bakery probably to buy you other croissants. 

You stood there wondering about him even more than before. His action just now had displayed a kind heart with care for people that he didn't even know, making you perplexed regarding his true self. What kind of player has such a kind heart?

You didn't want to admit it but at that very instant you were mesmerized by him. A warmth had engulfed your insides as his action was just too nice and you couldn't help but admire it and praise it. He had just won some of your respect as a human being at that moment  and somehow that just made him even more attractive.

No way someone has it all. It's impossible. He can't be really so nice and thoughtful while being funny and understanding as well as confident and honest. He seems just too good to be true.

You thought as that was a big problem for you because through your life you had gotten to know well that  such thing as perfect doesn't exist. 

You took your eyes away from the window and left down your cup, grabbing the book you had randomly taken and opening it with intentions of distracting your mind.  "Romeo and Juliet" Wrote the title and your eyes widen while being surprised that from all the random books you just draw one from a random shelf and it had happened to be this one.

One of the most tragic love stories in literature history as well as one of your  favorite books of Shakespeare. You smiled recalling the time when you had read this book, years ago, at the age of thirteen. You and MinHee had spend two sleep overs at your house, reading this book together and then of course commenting on it. A bitter smile reached your lips as you recalled the small chanting she had made, to support the couple.

"Sorry i took too long." Jimin's voice got you out of your trail of thoughts and you turned your head to face him whom had just placed the bag with the croissants on the table.

"Shakespeare?" He questioned as his eyes happened to fall on the cover of the book you were holding and you put the book aside, grabbing the bag and pulling it closer to you.

He took his seat opposite you and as you said nothing, he grabbed the book and gave it a look. "I suppose you have read it." He said as you were about to take your first bite of the croissant.

"Who hasn't." You replied simply before proceeding to eat but your eyes remained pinned on him as he kept staring at the book.

"Haven't you?" You questioned as soon as you gulped the food that was in your mouth, his silence having perplexed you.

"I have. I used to like literature. I even wanted to become a literature teacher when i was younger." He admitted, a bitter smile swaying on his lips.

"And why didn't you become one?"

"Life." Jimin answered simply as he decided to open up the book and trace some of its pages, and as he did so you could clearly see the longing in his eyes which made you feel sad. Sad that not all desires become reality.

"I am sorry to hear that." You replied, understanding well that life doesn't always go as we want it to go but nonetheless it sends as where we need to be. Or at least that was your belief.

"Everyone's life is hard one way or another. I don't regret anything. I have made it till here one way or another." He replied as he closed the book and his eyes finally decided to meet yours.

At that very moment, a thought found its way in your mind, thinking about how unfair it may look for some certain people that were poor, a life of a rich person like you were. Not that your life has been easy but on the surface you always have worked hard to make it look like everything was going  well.

"Right. We all have certain things that we find difficult. "  You pushed the bag towards him as a sign of offer to him to take one since he had brought plenty and had even paid himself for them. He smiled and accepted your offer ,the two of you soon eating and drinking hot chocolate -as he ordered one for himself too-in a comfortable silence. However the fact that you were comfortable wasn't something you particularly liked because it was with him . Why him of all people?

"Have you ever desired that kind of love? Like Romeo and Juliet had. To love someone so much that death seems too sweet if its to be with them. " He suddenly asked and you looked at him while realizing that at these moments which he had been silent he was actually thinking about that book.

"I don't know. That kind of love was deadly for both. Maybe it would be safer that humans didn't fall in love as madly as they did." You let him know of your logical answer and for some reason he smiled before letting his small comment reach to your ears. 

" But it ain't love if it has no madness." You contemplated his words for a moment and truth was you couldn't really disagree as love was know to make you irrational.

"You are right. Still i wouldn't like to get involved in such a love." You truthfully answered as you in general didn't like much love  simply because in this reality it had mostly proven to be nothing more but a sweet lie that kills its victims and rips their hearts apart when they least expect it.

"Is love different for rich people? Does it asks you before taking you? I thought it asked no one." He said somehow sarcastic with his words even though he made his point clear. 

"It doesn't ask indeed. Nor rich nor poor. Let's drop the subject now." Your cold response had Jimin wondering of what kind of thoughts were really running in your mind right that instant but  most importantly he was curious of what was it that had made you not believe in love . Not that he couldn't understand your reasoning because he obviously was living at the same reality you were and knew well how love had ended up being however he was still a romanticist at heart. A hopeless dreamer despite the fact that in his life he had always witnessed a raw reality. 

He followed your request and went silent as opening a subject about love wasn't really in his intentions . He had just gotten swapped away by the moment  after seeing that book and had ended up speaking of the thoughts and beliefs his younger self had.  Either way he was happy that you didn't believe much in love as that made his job easier because he didn't really want to mess with emotions and hurt you at the end. All he wanted was just to do his job. All he wanted was just your body.

A lustful moment that was far away from the word love al together.

---To be continued...

Deceiver //PJM FFWhere stories live. Discover now