37 - Galatic X-Machina Battle Royal 2.0 Y

Start from the beginning

Keep in mind that I always have my hair in a messy mix of a ponytail and a bun. And when I say always, it includes every possible action of the day except for washing my hair and the exceptional combing my hair. Because when you have a Hermione Granger type of hair, stuff gets messy in 10 minutes anyway, so you might as well lose all hope on it.

"You know what I mean," Patty responded after a small sigh.

Truth be told, I really didn't. And I didn't really want to either so the conversation ended there. Which led to an awkward silence of less than two minutes because three other people decided to arrive, including one very... excited one.

"Who's ready for THE AMUSEMENT PARK?!" Adam screamed at my ear, which made me almost drop my phone, but you know, the usual.

"If you plan on screaming to my ear for the rest of the day, then I'm out," I said in response to his sudden excitement.

"C'mon, Caroline. Loosen up a little. I'm sure we'll all have a good time." Ben said with his hands in his hoodie pockets.

"Besides, I'm sure there not even the roller coasters in the park are not even that high. You'll be fine!" Adam adds while looking at me with that goddamn annoying yet calming smirk. Oh my gods, why does he have to do that?!

I take a step back and try my best to show confidence. "I'm not worried about the roller coasters. In fact, I once went on one with eight loops at the age of 12 and was fine. Are you scared, Johnson?"

"Wow, seems like we've got a professional roller coaster enthusiast right here. We'll see who gets to quit going on one first when we get there."

Then a short staring contest ensues, which is interrupted by Thomas.

"Well while you two have your own thing going on..." He suddenly turned to Miranda. "Hi, Thomas White here. What's your name?"

We were all taken by surprise, but nothing can be compared to the surprised, scared, and yet confused look Miranda had. And as someone who could do the same look if I were to be in her exact position, I just looked at her and tried to show her that she could pretty much be herself around the boys too.

She put her phone back in her hoodie pocket and kept her hands there. "M-M-My name is Miranda. M-Miranda González." She responded with her Latino accent showing.

"Nice! Are you Latino?" Thomas said with his inner child showing.


"Well, you seem like a cool person. Get ready for a day with the most wonderful people ever. I'm Adam by the way." Adam added while putting his arm around my shoulders. "Uhmmmm... excuse me but what now?"

So, while doing my best not to look redder than usual, I quickly grabbed his hand and pulled it away from my shoulders. I was not about to turn into a tomato about to explode. "That is..." I continued. "if you're comfortable with that. If you're not, then it can be just the three of us and the Duck Brothers can do something else."

Not that I wouldn't mind hanging out with Adam, Ben, and Thomas, but rules were rules and I'm not one to disrespect them and neither was Patty.

Suddenly all eyes were on Miranda. Not the best position to be in and you could clearly see how she could agree with me on this because her face just showed pure anxiousness. I relate.

"Uhmmmm... S-sure."

The response to Miranda's agreement differed from person to person. Adam and Thomas showed big smiles on their faces, and Ben and Patty showed calmness in their eyes, even though Patty was most likely faking the excitement she was feeling because she would most likely get what she often likes to call "Cadam moments". Miranda seemed kind of anxious, which is totally reasonable, and me... well...

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