Holy Matrimony...

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Finally, their marriage is happening. Phew! But Arnav wants his side of revenge...for making him wait so long for her saying ...Yes!😉❤💖

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The marriage was written in the eyes the first day Arnav Singh Raizada met Khushi, not a thing of human-kind nor laws, yet existed as if the universe had brought together two souls that were already betrothed. Well, that was something her mother used to say all the time.

Being immersed deeply in thoughts, Khushi was feeling every moment of her life but her mind was busy having a different kind of conversation.

"Till death do us part"

These words were morbid to me. I wanted the fairy tale kinda life. I wanted "and they lived happily ever after." What's wrong with that if anyone asked? Why do we start a life of love by thinking about death? Never made sense to me and will never do I am sure of it. I believe that my husband is my soulmate, that we will always be together in this life and beyond. Doesn't love to endure forever? Oh, Well I wanted my love and life and marriage and everything around it like this. If anyone had any issue with that then who cares...

Buaji[aunt] and Amma already gave up making me clear things and Babuji,  Arnav kissed me while laughing over my logic as always. Arnav and I had nothing in common, other than a will for the right result in the end. I was the one who always led by emotions and him by cool logic. I wanted to run out of this proposal and marriage and had my own life and dreams, he knew it would work out both ways. He buried his soul to work things out between us. All this time I could never pull my head out of the small details of everything but the main purpose of my life.

 Every step I took had to tangibly took me closer to him regardless I tried otherwise. He wasn't like that. He could walk away in the opposite direction but his love was pure. No matter what he was the winner at every step. That's just how we were all through these years, the idealist and the pragmatist. I'm not saying that we always agreed, but we never lost respect for the other. I'd never have achieved what I did alone, and neither would he. Neither would the journey have been so pleasant but his winning was mine and my success was his.

Hugging her arms Khushi inhaled deeply behind closed eyes. There was a beautiful and satisfied smile on her face. She was going to be married to the man who loved her so much. She never imagined herself ending up like this but this was something she could only imagine in fairylands.



Shyam bailed out and created such a mess for Babuji and Khushi but Arnav knew it and he entangled him in his own created web. His signatures on papers and his illegal acts both made him earn another ten years. Arnav was upset with Khushi for a while and he had a right to be. Her solution to trick Shyam worked just for a while but Arnav did catch the bull-like him by the horns. 

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