The Sports Festival Starts!

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~Lazuli's POV~

"Aw man! I was totally hoping to wear my costume!" Mina whines loudly, drawing my attention from Izuku and to her. "Well at least everyone will be in uniform, that'll keep things fair won't they?" A boy with a large tail says, I don't recall his full name but I heard him get referred to as Ojirou serval times before. "True, but it would have been kind of cool to wear my costume though" I say, drawing the duo's attention to me. "See! Lazuli-chan knows what I'm talking about! I really want to show off my awesome costume!" Mina says energetically as she motions to me. "What do you think Izuku, wouldn't it have been fun if we could have wore out costumes?" I ask my green haired friend. "I-I guess" he tells me somewhat nervously as he fumbles with his fingers, a nervous habit I've noticed he has.

"Awe don't be like that Izuku! Show some excitement! This is our first sports festival at UA! We have to make sure to stand out!" I tell him with a large smile as I pat him on the back a little rougher than I meant to. Sometimes I forget to control my strength a little, I'm so used to being careless with the Gems when it comes to strength since they can handle it. Sometimes I forget humans aren't as durable as Gems. Before the worrying wreck of nerves can respond to me the door to 1A's waiting room is suddenly slammed open. "Everyone! Its time to get your game faces on! We will be entering the arena soon!" Tenya announces loudly as he quite literally slams the door to our waiting room open. The moment he say that everyone becomes more tense and nervous than before.

I look over to see Izuku shaking terribly next to me and I smile softly at him, finding his nervousness a little amusing. "Don't worry, calm down Izuku! I'm sure you'll do great? Not as great as me but still" I tell him and say the last part jokingly and he gives a half way awkward laugh back. "You'll be fine" I tell him as I pat his shoulder like I always do. "Remember you're in class 1A and you got placed here for a reason, because your strong. All you have to do is show your strength to the word which means no holding back! Even against Iida, Ochako and I!" I tell Izuku and he gives me a firm nod. "Midoriya" a slightly familiar voice says from behind us, causing Izuku to jump a little in surprise. "Huh?" Both Izuku and I say in sync as we turn around only to see none other than or duel haired classmate, Shoto Todoroki.  

"Oh um, yeah Todoroki? What's up?" Izuku says unsurely as he looks at the taller human with a slightly confused expression. "From an objective stand point I think I'm fairly stronger than you" Shoto says shamelessly, his tone just as cold and flat as Lapis' tone. I notice Izuku flinch slightly at how bold and heartless Shoto's claim was. "Um, yeah?" Izuku softly agrees as he avoids eye contact with the taller male due to nervousness. 'I wonder where this is going to go?' I think curiously as I watch the two humans interact in front of me. "However, you've out All Might in your corner helping you out" Shoto tells him, his tone dropping to a lower one as if whispering some kind of secrete but everyone still hears him. 'Wait, now that I think about it Shoto's right. I've noticed how All Might has been stealing Izuku away at lunch for the past few weeks' I think as I look at Izuku a little confused, I've been wondering what's up with that. 

When I first reformed about two weeks ago I found out about the sports festival and everything, we would also be spending our heroics class periods training for the festival. I spent my time practicing my hydrokinesis even if I have my powers already fully mastered. After 8,000+ years of life you think I'd have the majority of my Gem powers mastered, and I do. Honestly I was just playing around with my abilities and training with my classmates and friends if they asked me. At lunch time we were allowed to skip and train as well if we wanted to. Some times I would sit with Ejirou, Denki, Sero and Mina during lunch; I've gotten rather close to the group ever since I reformed since Ejirou would drag me to eat lunch with them sometimes. I never minded much though, they're a pleasant bunch to be around. 

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