Ikanaide: Please Don't Leave Me (Side Chapter)

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(A/N: As the title says, unlike the last chapter this is just a side chapter. Although it's somewhat similar to the last chapter)

Music Intro

I couldn't help but to tell you I'd be alright

"Don't worry Rose, I'll be fine. This is what you wanted after all!" I tell the largely tall, pink haired gem with a closed eyed smile as I gingerly caress her swollen stomach.

When, to be true, it was tearing me apart inside

"Are you sure?" She asks me unsurely, "yeah!" I tell her cheerfully but the truth is, this entire ordeal is tearing me apart on the inside. Why would I even be remotely okay when I know that my best friend, sister figure and Diamond is going to be disappearing in a few months. Just the thought of it makes me want to cry, scream, throw a fit and do something-anything to make sure she doesn't disappear! But I can't do anything to stop something that's only a matter of time, and that is what's tearing me apart inside.

But it didn't matter since you're walking away so swiftly in front of me

"Besides you're still here and kicking so why think of the future!" I tell her happily. Hearing this Rose smiles and pets me on my head like she does whenever she's happy with something I've done or said. "If you say so" she laughs out lightly with a  bright smile, "hey Rose!" A familiar voice calls out from behind us and we both look behind us to see the creature Rose fell in love with, the father of her future child; a human man named Greg Universe. "Greg!" Rose shouts excitedly as her eyes shine like stars, without even casting me a second glance Rose runs off towards Greg like she hasn't seen him in years when they just saw each other a few hours ago. 'Besides, how I feel doesn't matter when you keep leaving us so quickly. What's so great about that human anyways' I think bitterly, feeling very sour on the inside. Every time that human man shows up Rose always leaves the gems and I behind without looking back. 

And your figure is the only thing I see

I watch with mixed emotions as I watch Rose's figure get further away from me and closer to Greg. 'Even after all these years your figure is still the only thing I see, My Diamond' I think feeling a little more bitter on the inside. Ever since Rose met Greg I've always felt that this mere human has slowly but most definitely been stealing my best friend away from me. And now, she's completely gone and I can no longer get her back.


Plane has arrived, now is the time, you're going away again

I sit beside Rose on the bed inside Steven's room in the house the rest of the Crystal Gems and I built for Steven to live in the future. Today is the day her baby is going to be born and she said she wanted me here to see her give "birth" to him. She said she wanted me to be the first person her child saw, as his aunt. And to be honest a small part of me is a little excited to see my soon to be nephew but a bigger part of me doesn't want to ever see him if it means I'll never get to see Rose again.

As I try to run, it seems like the ground is slipping from underneath me

"R-Rose! What's wrong? I-Is it the baby?!" I cry out and hop up from my spot on the bed as the gem before me groans in pain as she holds her stomach in pain. "Th-this is it Royal, it's almost time for you to meet your nephew" Rose says through her groans, a smile adorning her face despite the amount of pain she's in. "Wh-what?" I mutter with wide eyes, it's time already?! No, please I don't want her to go so soon!

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