First Place

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~Lazuli's POV~

"Please stop Lazuli-san! I'm fine" Izuku lightly shouts from his spot in the throwing circle, his tone sharp. "But Izuku-" I try to say but I close my mouth when Izuku looks at me with a determined look in his eyes. "Don't worry, I got this" he tells me with a small reassuring smile. Seeing this I can only sigh and step back into line in between Tenya and Ochako. "Humph, well if that's the case then I returned your impractical quirk, take your final throw. Get it over with we don't have all day" Mr. Aizawa tells Izuku as he deactivates his quirk and throws another ball Izuku's way which he easily catches. "That was a very bold thing you did Lazuli-kun" Tenya tells me, moving his arm to form a 90 degree angle as he looks down at me. 

"I know but I couldn't just stand there and let Aizawa do that to him! The fact that he had the courage to try out for UA and get in proves that he has at least some potential in him! It is a teacher's job to nurture, care for and grow a student's potential no matter how small" I tell my blue haired classmate with a serious expression on my face as I watch Izuku look down at the ball with determination. "Hm I suppose you are right but that didn't make it any less risky. What if you both ended up getting expelled?" Tenya asks me and I shrug my shoulders. "Then I go back home and try again at another school" I tell the blue haired human nonchalantly. "Pardon me?" Tenya asks, his eyes widening for a split second before returning to normal. 

"Oh you don't know, well the truth is I'm not from Japan. I moved here from America a week before the school year started" I tell Tenya with a friendly smile. "Woah really? You're not from Japan?" Ochako asks me sounding surprised and shocked and I nod my head. "Yep! I'm came from a small sate towards the east of America called "Delmarva" and lived in an even smaller city by the ocean, ironically enough it was called Beach City. Since the city was founded on a stupid large beach" I tell the two humans, laughing a little when I remember how me and the other Crystal Gems helped a human named William Dewey after a ship wreck and he ended up founding Beach City where the gems and I have been living long before he came along.

"Is that so, well welcome to Japan Lazuli-kun" Tenya tells me with a small smile and I nod my head. "Thank you" I tell him, feeling happy that Tenya was polite enough to give me a verbal welcome to this foreign land. Well, it's not really foreign since I've been to Asia plenty of times throughout the time I've resided on Earth. "Guys look!" Ochako tells us as she points over to Izuku and I look away from Tenya jus in time to see Izuku throw the ball so hard it goes zooming through the air at neck breaking speeds! "Oh my diamonds!" I gasp out as I watch the ball fly though the air at the same pace it would if a gem threw it! 'No way! That a speed close to how fast a gem would throw! Izuku's quirk must be really hella strong! Or maybe, he's a half gem like Steven.......nah that's crazy thinking!

Or is it?' I think as I lightly narrow my eyes at Izuku. I mean if Rose could fall in love with a human and make a half gem half human hybrid child then who's to say another gem couldn't? For all I know a Crystal Gem from before the corruption could have survived or a gem from Homeworld could have come to Earth and fell in love with a human male then made a child! Once you think about it the idea isn't that far fetched. I mean Rose was a Diamond for crying out loud! If a Diamond, who's suppose to be as perfect as a gem can get in gem society, could fall in love with a human then a normal gem sure as homeworld can! Or maybe I'm just thinking a little too hard. "There's no f*cking way that's possible!" I hear Katsuki shout from the front row, sounding completely shocked out of his small human mind.

I ignore the rude blond human and look from the sky over to Izuku to see him holding one of his fingers with a very pained smile and slightly teary eyes as he looks at Mr. Aizawa. "You did it Izuku!" I shout happily as I jump in the air with joy. I'm so happy for him, he actually got the second highest score! I notice his index finger is swollen, really bruised and purple like it's broken or something. "Sensei, I'm still standing" Izuku says as he looks over at Mr. Aizawa, gingerly holding his broken finger. "705.3 meters!" Mr. Aizawa announces lowly but loud enough so everyone can hear him as a small smile excited creeps up on his face. A few seconds later the whole class starts freaking out about how high Izuku's score is. It's even higher than Bakugou's! "He threw it over 700 meters!" I hear Denki yell loudly somewhere to my left. 

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