Side Chapter; Memory: Speechless

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~Lazuli's POV~

'Where am I? Why is everything so dark?' I question as I float around in complete darkness. 'Its a little chilly, what happened to the warmth from before' I think once again wen I take notice of the change in temperature from now and before. I look around to see nothing but darkness for as far as my eyes can see and then some. 'Its dark, I don't like it. It reminds me too much of that place' I think, a shiver running up my spine as a small sense of fear grips my body. I wrap my arms around my body trying to bring a small sense of comfort to me but it work very well. 'I have to find a way out, or at least some light' I think as I float around blindly in the endlessly pitch dark place. I feel my body move but my surroundings don't change in the slightest, I still surrounded by complete darkness.

I feel panic start to slowly rise in me causing me to go faster through the darkness but I still find no change in my surroundings. 'Where am I?!' I can't stop myself from thinking as I zoom around blindly in the dark. Suddenly a bright white light appears from no where without any warning and I quickly shield my eyes from the bright light with my arms. Soon the light engulfs my entire surroundings but only for a few moments, after a small pause the light finally dies down. 'What was that?' I think feeling very confused and very disappointed now that I'm back in the dark. Suddenly a small flicker of light catches my attention from the corner of my eye.'Wait, what's that down there? Is that light?!' I ask myself when I take notice of something far down below me shining in the darkness. I quickly descend towards whatever has caught my eye and once I'm close enough I see that I caught my eye is in fact an image! 

Not only that, its an image of me! I slowly reach out my hand and gently tap the image before me. Suddenly a second bright light engulf me but this time its not as bright as the first one but I still have to close my eyes. Once I open my eyes I see that I'm standing in a very large and familiar room with three very big gems along with a much smaller gem. These four gems, are the Diamonds of Homeworld. But something doesn't make sense here, how can I be standing in a room with the Diamonds when I'm right here? Not to mention Pink Diamond has been "shattered" for thousands of years! How is she possibly standing before me? 'Not only that but everything I see is frozen, including "me". What's going on here?' I think very confused and somewhat suspicious as I float around my frozen body. 'What happens if I do this?....' I think and reach out to touch my frozen body. 'Woah!' I mentally cry out in surprise as I am suddenly sucked into my frozen "body" without warning!













I open my eyes to see I am in the same spot "I" was in the moment I saw "myself". "Royal Lapis Lazuli! Are you paying attention?" A strict sounding voice suddenly asks me causing me to jump suddenly. "I-um yes my diamond! I apologize" I find myself saying even though I didn't actually want to say anything. My body begins to move against my will and it bows slightly at the waist as my hands make a diamond shape over my chest. "Hm" the strict voice hums lowly and I feel a piercing gaze stabbing my body but I don't dare move a muscle. I feel my nonexistent heart speed up rapidly in my chest as a nervous sweat breaks out on my head but I still don't dare to even breath. "Anyways, as you were saying Blue" the voice says and the heavy gaze leaves me. 

I feel "my" eye slowly wonder upwards and I look at the yellow gem who nearly gave me a heart attack. She is a humongous gem with almost helmet like pale blond hair. She has soul piercing and incredibly sharp golden yellow eyes that seem to glow in the dark and hold little to no emotion within them. She has extremely pale yellow skin, paler than her hair and she's dressed in golden yellow armor with a yellow diamond shaped gem in the middle of her chest. This is the bog boss commander of all of Homeworld's armies, Yellow Diamond.

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