Chapter 19

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Ezra didn't want his family to know that he was back in NYC so he called his best friend for help. He gripped the steering wheel and glanced at the dash clock. It was 6:27 in the evening. He got down from his car and found his way into Rachel's mansion.

Rachel has always best Ezra's best friend since 5th grade. She is also beautiful and nice; the type of girl guys wants to be with. She has always had a thing for Ezra even though he was aware of it but he told her that he had someone he liked and her name was Heather. At first, Rachel was disappointed but she wanted to maintain her friendship so she treats him as a friend and nothing more.

He got to the door and rang the doorbell and she opened the door in the fourth Trier. When she opened the door he could see that she was covered in flour and he knew she does not like cooking. She was on a blue apron and her hair was tied in a knot. She invited him in and he could see how beautiful her house was on the inside. She helped him with his luggage. "When will you be going back?" she asked him.

"Don't worry, I will get out of here in a few." He said using his eyes to search the living room. "You live here alone?" he added.

"Yes, I do." She turned to the kitchen and brought back with her a glass cup and champagne. "Would you like to drink? Dinner will be served in thirty minutes." She gave him a warm smile.

"You are cooking? Oh, that explains the flour in your hair and your face...gosh, you are a mess." He busted out laughing. "Are you using the internet to cook?"

"No." she rolled her eyes. "Maybe...Yes." She admitted.

"What are you cooking?" he purred the drinks into each glass and added ice. He passed one glass to her and took a sip from his.

"Bread, I am baking bread."

"You are not cooking but baking? You remembered the time we went for cooking classes and we were asked to bake donuts" he looked and her, and he shook his head "...My God. You were a mess. You messed the whole kitchen up." He said laughing again.

"I remembered." She smiled back "I wouldn't have done that if you didn't add too much yeast to the dough and made it over-rise."

"I don't remember doing that." He pushed away what was left in the glass cup and added more to it.

"But you do remember when a lizard entered the kitchen and jumped on Mrs. Anderson making her scream to the extent that she took an extinguisher and spared herself." She took off the dirty apron "I mean who brought the lizard to school...I thought animals were not allowed?"

"They were not and I remembered that could I forget? It was my birthday." His expression changed. "That was when mom told me about Nana's death.

"I'm so sorry about your grandmother." She said.

"Don't be... it's been long now." He smiled again and this time he was back to square one.

"So, what happened to you?"


"Why are u here? Why aren't you at home?" she folded her arms.

"Well, it's complicated... you see the thing is I am getting married."

"Whoa, I'm happy for you dude." She hit his arm in a friendly way. "Who Is the lucky girl that captured my first love's heart? When is the wedding?"

"The thing is...uhh."

"Wait are you not happy about it?"

"No...I'm not." He said.

"Why? Isn't she what you wanted? Or did your parent choose a bride for you?"

"I'm getting married to Heather."

"Heather Brooks?"

"Yes, that same Heather...My first love."

"So, what happened? Why are you hesitating to marry her?"

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