Chapter 17

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She smiled with her whole face. Lashes, Mouth, Eyes, and Drew didn't know why she radiated joy but he knew with that kind of happiness, she will do well at work.

Emma wore a blue palazzo, white off-the-shoulder long sleeves, black block heels and she held a blue purse, and to top it up she balanced out her eyes by adding more shadows to both of them and then another coat of mascara. She liked the way all that smoky darkness made her eyes pop out. She took a curly iron and curled every session until it was perfect. She applied a little glossy strawberry lipstick on her lips. Well, she's not the makeup type but she wanted to try it and it was perfect on her, she looks different and dashing.

She met Drew's gaze but he looked away. She smiled.

"Why were you looking at me like that?"

"Like what?" he denied.

"I met your eyes and it was looking at me with... I don't know." She smiled.

"It's because you are pretty you look different with makeup and extremely beautiful."

"Thank you... I'm sure mom would have taken Zoe to school."

"Yeah, she should. It's already eight-thirty and you know what that means."

"What." She asked adjusting her blouse.

"You are going to be late Miss Facer and I have to go too. I need to produce a new game today." He smiled.

"Looks like we are gonna be busy today huh?" she winked as she held her bag tight and went out of the house locking it with the keys.

Drew placed his hand on the small of her back and led her to her Toyota Camry then she drove off to work.

She leans closer to the mirror so she could get a better look at her face. A long moment passed before she entered Heather's office. Heather could see how pretty she was and complimented her telling her that makeup looks different on her. She'd told Emma how the work was going to go for the day. She said they need to bring up design ideas for the next runway fashion show and the Queen's company is collaborating with them this time and she will have to submit the design report to their director.

Emma was shocked to hear that. Why does she have to face Ezra again? What the fuck was fate doing? She sighed and looked out the window. "What's wrong?" Heather asked.

"Am I the one to go send the report for the designs... to the director himself?"

"Yes, but the director is on a trip to Canada... he won't be back till on Friday."

"Okay, I will gather the designs and submit them myself."

"Please do that and when you are back, we will be discussing my wedding preparation. We don't want to delay anything."

"Okay." Emma went to her laptop and checked different designs for the fashion show which will take place on the second of July. One week after the wedding. She was very good at designing too and came out with a B.An in creative arts. She was one of the best and most charming students in her department. All the boys want to be her boyfriend because she was punctual and beautiful.

She designed it for over five hours. And found her way to Queen's Company. Well, she was relieved Ezra was not around. She entered her car and drove off to Queen's. It looks the same and that brought memories of the first time she came here for being accepted to be the personal adviser of the director. She didn't know she was going to fall in love with him just like that... I mean who wouldn't? He was a man of honor and charming in every way. Sweet warm lips and beautiful

She entered the company and she couldn't take the stairs because time had gone by. So she decided to face her fairs and entered the elevator. Three people were inside the elevator and she joined them but when it almost closes it was stopped by someone tall and manly. At first, Emma didn't know what to do after she saw Ezra. Didn't Heather say he was on a trip to Canada? Then what was he doing here? At least he won't recognize her because of her makeup. She had thought.

The first two went out of the elevator when it got to the second floor while the other one got out on the fifth. They were going to the ninth floor when the elevator stopped. At first, Emma thought she has gotten to her destination not until the light of the elevator was shaking. Until it went off finally; BLACKOUT!!!

She held on to the walls, shaking, her legs went weak and her breathing starts to fade. She was having a panic attack. Ezra turned on his phone torchlight to see what was making that noise and to his surprise, he saw the lady. He didn't recognize her because of the makeup she was on. He bent down and reached out and took her hand in his own, and held it for a moment. He noticed her breath was fading slowly.

"It's okay ... the light will be back on very soon." He said still holding her but tight this time around. He felt something very different. The smell of the lady's shampoo was the same as it was back then in his office. He flashed the torchlight on her face to have a better look at her. It was her... the woman who's making him go crazy. The woman who has always made him look as if he was insane. The woman he couldn't fight for. The woman he was going to lose very soon. But how could he not recognize her? Stupid makeup; He then looked at her this time. "Do you trust me?" he asked.

She nodded as tears rolled down her face.

"If you cry like that, you will ruin your makeup and I'm sure you don't want that to happen, Miss Facer." Her hearing her name from his mouth made her scared for a few. How did he recognize me?

She smiled and hugged him till she was feeling better but he was not. He was angry at himself as tears rolled down his cheek. They were there for about thirty minutes till the elevator starts working again.

She got up and got off the elevator before him. Her behavior changed as if nothing happened. She went to his office and dropped the booklet full of the designs for the fashion show. "What are you doing here? Didn't you pack your stuff finish?" he asked and he went to sit down.

"I came here because Miss Bricks asked me to come and drop the designs for the next fashion show." She looked at him "Besides, what are you doing here?"

"What do you mean what am I doing here? This is my office remember?" he tried not to fix all his anger on her.

"What I meant to say was... shouldn't you be in Canada right now? Miss Bricks told me that you won't be here."

"Is that where you work now?"

"Yes. I took the job last week."

"I hope she is treating you well?"

"Yes, she is," Emma answered.

"Please don't tell Miss Bricks that you saw me in the office... tell her you dropped it with the receptionist... and are you okay? I didn't know you have fairs for elevators."

"Thank you for your concern, Mr. Queen... I will take my leave now and I won't tell Miss Brick that I saw you." She grabbed her purse and car key. She smiled at him and was ready to take her to leave. To be honest she didn't want to leave but she had to. It's good for both of them if she left. At least he can face his marriage and she will face her life.

Looking at Emma, he knew he loved her. The emotion that destroyed, that reduced one to utter vulnerability that led to suffering and grief, had claimed his heart. He could do only one thing. Stop here but the question is will she stay?

"Emma, please don't go... don't go." It was just what she'd been longing to hear. She wishes she could stay but she can't.

Tears rolled down her face as she ran out of his office.

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