Chapter 5

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She entered his office, it was bigger than her own family house. Oh my God, he is damn rich. He motioned to a chair which Emma decided to take then joined the conversation. They talked and talked until 9:55 pm. She took her jacket, looked at him then disappeared like smoke. She stopped in front of her car, still can't believe Ezra is her boss. She entered her car but the car won't start. This car brings bad luck into my life. Why? Why this place of all places? Why this moment? She does not understand what the hell fate is doing right now.

"Need a ride?"

She heard the same voice she heard not quite long three years ago. She stopped kicking her car and then smiled at him like a normal person.

"No, I'm good." It would give him too much of an advantage if I accept so quickly.

"Seems to me your car's broken down". He said with those Sweet eyes.

"I love those delicious eyes, it's so cute". She whispered.

"What did you say?" he asked.

"Huh!!!__ Yeah I think it's broken". She finally said after a long pause and hesitation.

"Hop in," he said opening the door for her to enter instead she took a casual lap around. Sucking In a breath at the sight of the paintings she saw beside the garage. How come I didn't see it when I came into the company this morning? "It's beautiful." She said walking towards him.

"Yeah, my dad painted that."

"Your Dad did?" She imitated.

"Yes! Haven't you heard of Cade McQueen?" Ezra asked.

"No, but what! Your full name is Ezra McQueen?" She said teasingly.

"Yeah it is but we don't use that."

"Why?" She asked.

"My grandfather great aunt Morgana changed it because she doesn't like it."

"Morgana, is your great aunt's name?" She laughed.

"Why are you laughing?" He was clueless and didn't even know what was in her mind.

"Do you know the movie, Merlin?" She asked.

"No, I don't know, why?"

"Morgana was a witch in the movie or should I say, wicked witch?" She laughed again.

Ezra narrowed his eyes again.

"Maybe I shouldn't."


"Maybe I should try watching the Merlin you spoke of but if you want me to watch it... Maybe you should try summarizing it to me." You insulted my great aunt Morgana now I will waste part of your time out here with me doing unreasonable things. He grinned evilly.

"What? No way am I gonna do that." She rejected.

"Why not ?" He looked at her.

"I'm not doing it." Oh my God, I can't remember anything again. I watched it last when I was thirteen. I can't say anything to him like this. That's so messed up. Damn you, Ezra! I have to find an excuse to go home.

"But if you do not tell me how am I supposed to understand the movie." Emma, you can't escape it.

She took her phone pretending to make a call. "Okay mom, I will be home soon."

"What? Are you gonna leave like that?"

"No, I'm not."

"You are not?" He asked.

"Yes because you are gonna give me a ride home."

"What happens to your car?"

It Looks like he has forgotten about my car. "It faulty remember?"

"Oh yeah, now I do." Don't I?

"Thanks" She thanked him not because she wanted but because she needed company.

"You're welcome," He said.

He entered his car and drove off.

She was alone with him, the temperature was very hot, and she was not comfortable at all.

"You were good," He said.

"What!" She replied.

"I mean the opinion you gave during the meeting was great____ they loved it"

"They did?" She was nervous about the way she said it

"Yeah, they do."

"Really," She asked nervously. What am I doing? He already said they do but am I still asking really? Oh my God, I am gonna die in here if I don't get home soon.

"Yeah but I am curious."

"What! You said they liked it. "

"No not the job...You"

"What about me?" She replied. She was shocked. Does he remember now? Oh no this is not gonna be good. She wanted to change the topic but he interrupted.

"You look like someone I met in a bar or party, like someone I flirted with".

"Flirt? Oh no, it's not me, never gone to a bar before not even parties. I am really poor. Very poor I can't afford money for a new dress." She lied and smiled so weirdly. She pretended she was pained.

"I'm so sorry," he said "I shouldn't have said things like that" Nowhere comes his cute voice.

"No I'm okay, I mean who does that. Behave like this in front of a man". He looked at her after hearing those words.

They laughed. He got to her destination; she dropped down of his car.

"Thank you". She said.

"No problem anytime... And I will make sure I watch Merlin."He said.

"Okay... Make sure you do."

He drove out.

That was the first time a guy gave her a ride. All the boys she dated were jerks. They fell for her looks but after one month or even weeks they break up with her. I am not gonna let that happen again.

After murmuring to herself she went inside.

After murmuring to herself she went inside

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