Boarding School Cos Im Naughty Five

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Matt's POV

As I watched Freya leave I couldn't get that one sentence out of my head I've always had your back, what happened? What about me? She did always have my back, like the time I got pushed of the swing by another kid when I was little, she hit him, then told them it my swing or the time we was in a street fight and I started to black out and she knocked out both of the people and somehow gave me a piggy back home. Whatever problem I had she was there for me.

"She's gone kid, doubt she'll be back for a while, knowing her" I looked up and it was her foster Dad, Henry he had his hand on my shoulder. The car was gone her foster mother was inside.

"I know" but I couldn't really believe it, I wanted it to be a dream and to wake up and to be sitting with her eating strawberry laces in the park but this was reality.

I looked at Henry who's hand was tight on my shoulder he smiled a weak smile at me and then walked off inside, I watched him and looked at the house and then at her bedroom window, the amount of times we have climbed out and back through it at night, then something clicked I grinned to myself of course.


Freya's POV

"OH MY GOD you would never guess what just happened to me" a girl opened the door and jumped on the spot her black hair bounced.

We both looked at her, her eyes was filled with excitement she had the biggest grinned on her face, she slammed the door closed and locked it.

"What happened to you?" Drake asked looking at her "did you get in a cat fight again?" he put his hands on his hips.

"You always expect the worst of me. No not today, I did something better" she shoved Drake over so she could sit down. "This is so awesome you’ll just think I'm the best even more" she pushed him slightly and smiled at me.

"Just tell us" it came out quickly.

"You're making it sound unfun" she sighed and he shrugged.

I went to my desk and got a Yoyo out and started playing with it doing different tricks, they watched the Yoyo as it went up I said "yo" then it went down, I then I said "yo" repeated it a few times.

"Cool, can I have a go" she ran over grinning, I nodded rolling it back up.

"Hey I thought you were telling us this fantastic story" Drake went over to the fridge and looked in it and then came back with nothing.

"Oh yeah, sorry well I snuck out again for the whole day" she drew an imagery circle around herself.

"whyyy" he leant in a little and dragged the word.

"Seriously that Yoyo looks awesome" she pointed to me

"Izzie" Drake hissed

"I have a good reason" she put her index finger up looking at us both. "I went to that posh school across the road" this time she squealed and Drake ran up and put his hand over her mouth to stop the squealing.

"What the fuck were you thinking" he whispered with his hand still over her mouth and the over behind her head.

"I'm Freya by the way" I said to trying lighten the mood "I'm the new roomie in this room" I smiled playing with the Yoyo.

They both looked at me she bit his hand "I thought it would be fun" she looked at us both whispering "and I didn't get caught. Remember I used to be a student there when it was a girls school and it was so funny. It's a lot more posh than our school trust me, it's amazing. No one even realized that I was there I saw that girl I hate there remember the one that was allowed to stay and the rest of us girls had to come here, she didn't recognize me. I went to all my old classes it was just, wow." She took a deep breath and smiled.

"I'm Izzie but I'm sure you know that" she watched the Yoyo again and then looked at me.

"Do I know you" she was looking at my face and then looking me up and down.

I've never seen her before yet I have seen a lot of people that dressed and look like her. She has fringe was full but kind of sided she has thick hair, I didn't see her eyes because she was wearing sunglasses, she was wearing purple skinny's, a long grey top with short sleeves and a black tie daggling loosely and she was also wearing black ankle boot heals the heel wasn't too big but wasn't small.

"I don't know I know a lot of people" maybe I did know her, I doubted it I never knew anyone going to this school.

"Yes I remember you, you was in that bash up Sunday and what a bash up that was. The police came and everything" she nodded her head as well as her index finger looking away from me. "Yup I remember that day very well shame I had to leave early" she then she looked down and one side of her lip went up.

"She sneaks out a lot if you haven't gathered" Drake was standing behind her with his hand on her shoulders "she's going to get caught one day" he looked at her.

"Never have never will" she put her hand to her chest and smiled it was like she was honouring herself for an award, she was like it for a while it felt a bit awkward.

"So is that the reason why you're in" she asked suddenly snapping back. I looked at her searching for a clue "you know coming here not just to play with a Yoyo even though it looks fun" she smiled.

"Yeah that and then they saw my record and defiantly put me in here" I started doing tricks with the Yoyo, the conversation was going to get depressing.

"You have a record like as in a police record I'm sorry but you're such a cute face" she smiled and sat on the desk chair near her bed and started spinning on it.

"Well, yeah sort of I guess" I looked down kind of ashamed but proud at the same time not a lot of kids my age do, what am I thinking that's bad.

"So tell me what happened in the biggest bash up ever to get you in here, i'm surprised their not all in here it was hectic" she looked so interested like this school was the most boring place ever I'm going to regret not going to jail.

"Well I'll have to tell you how we got there for you to get it if you get what I mean"

"Yeah" she nodded

Beep; beep "its Brandon he wants to meet me. I'll catch you later" Drake said looking at his phone.

"Yeah, yeah go away keep going"

I watched Drake unlock the door and then lock it after "why door you guys lock your door?"

"Long story, I'll tell you later tell me your story"

"Ok, ok pushy much" I smiled "Well it started on the Friday before the bash up.


so y'all ready for freya's story???

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