"This person doesn't exist."

"But what if they do?"

"Than they're a masochist," the second man huffed. "Anyone would be to keep studying under Master Plagg. More so to debut with him."

Adrien snickered to himself. Masochist, huh? He wasn't sure about that, but weirdly enough, he felt sorry for those people who'd given up on Plagg. He couldn't blame them; he'd quit himself. Yet, going back and giving Plagg another chance was more than worth it because knowing the real Plagg, the one under all that harsh interior, was a life-changing experience Adrien would treasure forever.

"I envy them, though," the first man said. "Can you even imagine? To be the King's pupil? I'd kill for that chance."

"You've got some nerve to show up here," someone barked at him from the left.

Adrien looked to the side only to be met with Viperion's murderous glare. Great. This was exactly what Adrien needed now.

"Leave before I kick you out myself," Viperion seethed through his teeth coming closer.

"Hold your horses, Vipe." Plagg appeared by Adrien's side. "We don't want to be rude to our guests, now do we? Especially if they're here on the same rights as everyone else."

Viperion glanced at the Plagg and back to Adrien. His lips pressed into a thin line, he narrowed his eyes. "Don't tell me he is your student."

Plagg stepped closer and, wrapping his arm around Adrien's shoulder, winked. "The best I've ever had."

"You can't be serious," Viperion growled.

"I am," Plagg replied, his voice getting colder. "And you'd better be nice to him. What kind of a welcome is this, Vipe? Did Sass teach you that?"

"He should've been nice to Ladybug if he wanted to be welcomed here," Viperion replied.

People around slowed down, whispering and glancing their way.

"Oh?" Plagg quirked an eyebrow, crossing his arms over his chest. "And what do you know about that? I wouldn't presume Ladybug herself had told you anything."

Viperion flinched but didn't avert his eyes, pressing his lips in a thin line. "I know enough to say that Ladybug wouldn't want him here."

"Based on what?" Plagg challenged. "Your intuition?"

His jaw tense, Viperion snarled lowly, "Based on what my sister had told me after she visited Ladybug a few days ago. Your wife was there, Master Plagg. You should know better than to defend him."

Plagg puffed, dismissively waving his hand in the air. "Few days is way too long in these matters. History can be changed in a day. Hate can cross to the Love side in a split moment. What made you think that in those few days, Ladybug hasn't changed her mind and asked me to bring him here herself?"

Adrien held his breath. Was Plagg pulling Viperion's leg or was it true? Could Marinette really ask Plagg to bring him here?

"She wouldn't," Viperion retaliated. "Not after she cancelled all of her plans and spent days cooped up at home with Mme Tikki by her side because of him. She'd never been so devastated before."

"Then you don't know her very well," Plagg challenged, smirking. "Remember, our little bug is impulsive and quick to judge. You should know that, Vipe, being her friend and all. She just needed some time to calm down and realize that it was all a huge misunderstanding."

Viperion seemed to stumble for arguments, thinking Plagg's words over. "Master Plagg," he added a short while after. "I respect you, but I cannot allow him to be here unless Ladybug herself tells me she wants him here. This is her safe space. This is what this club is all about, isn't it? Giving those who are hurting a refuge. He can't invade it."

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