Kwami Swap

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Claws out.

Paired with the ring on his finger, this simple phrase, unique to Plagg and his students, gave Adrien full access to the Kwami Kave. For some reason, it was way more crowded today than the last time Adrien was here, and although he couldn't fully understand the reason, there was definitely hype floating through the air. Music blasted through the darkened interior of the room filled with rays of colour, yet people around him hardly danced. Palpable, unexplained anticipation enveloped the scenery. Most people mingled around, a few glancing his way with interest. Adrien ignored them, his own chest rising and falling rapidly.

This was it. This was the evening he'd worked so hard for. This might be the evening Marinette would give him a chance to explain. Or it might be not. He'd know soon, though.

"Have you heard?" some man by Adrien's side said to his neighbour. "Master Plagg's debuting a student today."

His companion puffed. "And pigs can fly. Tell me something I can believe."

"No, seriously," the first one said. "I've heard the rumours a few weeks ago, but I didn't pay much attention because you know, it's Master Plagg. However, yesterday I overheard Master Sass and Master Wayzz talk about it. They wanted to be here tonight to see the person who could handle Master Plagg in person."

The other man shrugged. "You must have heard wrong. There is no way Master Plagg will ever debut anyone."

The first man frowned. "What do you mean?"

"Exactly what I said," the second man shrugged. "He's never debuted anyone and he never will. Master Plagg is smarter than that."

The first man frowned. "What do you mean? Master Plagg had students before. It just didn't work out. Not his fault they couldn't handle his teaching style."

"Couldn't handle his teaching style?" the man puffed. "And why do you think that happened?"

"Different personalities—"

"Spare me that crap," the man rolled his eyes. "Think about it logically. To keep his current title and all the prestige that comes with it, Master Plagg has to have students. But if he were ever to teach his methods to anyone else, that person would potentially become better than him in the future, taking his title away from him. Do you really think he'd like that?"

Adrien scowled internally. Plagg wasn't like that! Sure he was eccentric, but he wasn't anywhere that trivial. Quite the contrary, Plagg was unnecessary selfless. Otherwise, he'd never drop everything to nurse Adrien back to sanity last week.

"I think you're over-exaggerating," the first man frowned. "Master Plagg might be peculiar, but he's not that petty. He didn't kick his students out; they dropped him."

"Because he makes it impossible for anyone to learn from him. Really, he found the perfect way to keep his status and his title without having to share whatever secret he has for being that insanely awesome and constantly improving. One of the reasons I admire him so much. Master Plagg is smarter than he looks. He isn't the King of Kwami Kave for nothing."

Adrien quirked an eyebrow. The King? That Camembert-obsessed glutton was the King of Kwami Kave?

"It couldn't be so—"

"Believe me, I know someone who started with him personally. It got so bad, they asked Master Fu to transfer them to someone else a week into their training. Master Plagg is merciless with his students."

Adrien could believe that. He'd quit himself. Only it took him a little longer than a week.

"Well, I can't argue because I don't know what happened with others," the first man said. "But he's debuting a student today, and I bet they're just as crazy awesome as Master Plagg to debut with him, right?"

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