Sick Day

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It didn't work. All the luck that Ladybug had sent his way must have stuck somewhere in the internet traffic because the next morning Adrien woke up with a pulsating headache, stuffy nose, and a sore throat. He groaned, shifting in his bed and threw his cover off. Too hot. Water. Thirsty. He needed some water stat, or he would die.

Adrien sat up. His head spun; a pained moan escaped lips. The clock showed... nine?


Struggling to stand up, Adrien picked up the phone. There was a missed call from his father's secretary and a few from Plagg. Adrien opened his messages. Ladybug has sent a few, wishing him a good morning and telling him about her plans for the day. Same stuff they've been exchanging for weeks now. He smiled. She was an amazing girl. He always looked forward to her messages. Unlike Plagg's.

Plagg: Congratulations! You've won an extended session for the price of one. I'll see you at my studio at seven in the evening. Next time you won't pick up, you're out.

Adrien groaned and flopped back onto the bed. The way he felt now, there was no way he could handle any session of Plagg's, less an extended one. Maybe he should quit? Or maybe he could tell Plagg that he was sick? Surely even Plagg had a heart. Most likely he did. At least a physical one he certainly had.

Adrien: Can I get a rain check on that? I don't feel too stellar.

Plagg replied immediately.

Plagg: I'm not a convenience store to give out rainchecks. Seven or never.

Adrien groaned.

Adrien: At least make it a regular one.

Plagg: The only thing I can make it is a double-priced one. Would you like that?

Adrien pouted. Not that he couldn't afford Plagg's fees. He could, but for Plagg's attitude to him, Adrien refused to support the glutton further other than what they'd agreed upon.

Plagg: What are you a baby? Can't handle some dancing?

Adrien scoffed. He called it dancing? He hadn't danced a single step yet, pointlessly repeating exercises and moves Plagg ordered him as a broken record. He even stopped going to the gym. There was no need. Plagg worked him thrice as much as his personal trainer did, all while offering Adrien to quit at any given opportunity. Adrien growled. No way! Not after everything this arrogant glutton had put him through! Adrien couldn't let him win. He'd go to that session and rock it.

Adrien: I'll be there at seven.

Plagg: :thumbs-up:

Turning his phone off, Adrien shuffled to the kitchen. If he were to endure one of Plagg's lessons this evening, he needed to get better. That meant rest, nutrition, and medicine. He lacked two: food because he was too tired to shop for it yesterday, and medicine because Adrien didn't get sick often, so whatever he had was long expired. Trip to the store it was, and since he already was late for work, he might call in sick and skip it altogether. There is always a first time for everything, right?

Adrien changed and dialled his father. Gabriel wasn't ecstatic, but he let it go, telling Adrien to get back as soon as he could. Glad that at least his father wasn't heartless, Adrien went out to pick up food and medicine. He grabbed breakfast at a nearby café and focused on getting better upon returning, which meant hot bath, relaxing on a couch, and chatting with Ladybug. He kept his illness to himself, though. Ladybug had just gone through hell because of him. He had no right to get her sympathy.

Closer to the evening, Adrien ordered Tom and Sabine's pastries to be delivered. After Marinette introduced him to the wonderful world of her parent's bakery, Adrien couldn't help but stop by every day after work. Today, however, he didn't work, and he had to conserve energy for the torture session, so ordering in it was. Half an hour later someone knocked on a door.

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