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Two months ago.

I just came home to visit from college. My mom was in the kitchen cooking, which was probably the first home cooked meal I had since I'd left here. I didn't live in this house very long. 

My mom got divorced from Daisy and my father. We lived in a shitty house, with a shitty man. When my mom met Daniel, we were all in a rough place. We could barely afford the one room we all lived in. My sperm donor took my mom for everything she had when she left. All she wanted was us and that's all she got. 

I worked my ass off in school and worked two jobs on top of the one my mom had. When my mom met Daniel, everything changed. I could go back to school full time and quit both jobs when he started dating my mom. As much as I hated it then. I would've done the same thing in his place.

They moved to a new house after I graduated and went to college. I've always had a room but never really stayed here. I'm glad my mom is okay and Daisy is happier.

I sighed, got up from the couch, and made my way over to Daisy who was in the backyard. She was flipping around, practicing her gymnastics she's always wanted to do. Being twelve years old, she is always happy and so bubbly. I watch her do a cartwheel and all I can do is smile, laughing at her giggles. Suddenly, she stood still, rubbing her fingers together. She shook her head and was back on the small balance beam, practicing more and more. Then she was on the ground, not moving. I couldn't get over to her fast enough.

"Daisy!" My knees hit the bark on the playground in our backyard. "Hey, wake up, Daisy. Come on. Open your eyes."

Her eyelids twitch, open and I can't ever remember wanting to see those blue eyes more. "What happened?" Her small voice comes through.

"You just fainted. Has this happened before?" I was so worried, I saw my mom come to the door with her phone to her ear.

"No, it hasn't, but..." She trails off. "The tingling in my fingers and I got dizzy. But it always goes away. I'm scared Ty, everything went black."

"Hey sweetie, I called Dan and we should go to your doctor. I'm sure you are fine." My mother had come to the edge of the playground. "Tyler, we should go, now. I took the food off the stove. Can you help her get to the car?" I nodded. I would walk through hell for this little girl. My little sister.

She laid in the hospital bed hooked up to machines, test after test they said, it wasn't this and not that. I just stayed with her every time holding her hand. I didn't want to let go.

"Hey, you okay, Zee?" I looked at her. "We are all here for you."

"I know, thank you. Big brother." I smiled at her. "Always here for Mom and me."

"Forever, little sister."

Present Day.


We finally got home from the hospital; They still don't really know what happened. It has something to do with her heart not giving her brain enough blood or oxygen. I was hoping it wasn't serious. Dehydration or anything else. I sighed and laid on my bed. My college gave me some time before I had to go back, family emergency and all. I looked out the window and saw a willow covering the community park outside, well a part of it, anyway. I could use a smoke. No one will see me.

Second cigarette and I'm feeling more relaxed, breathing easier. A lighter clicks behind me, when I turn my head to see a small figure, with a cigarette between her lips, "uh, hi. You found my smoking spot. Didn't know any guys smoked in this neighborhood." Her bag hit the ground, softly.

"Sorry, I can leave. Didn't mean to disturb anything." I came here to be alone and brown eyes here already claimed it. My hand pushes up on the ground, ready to leave.

"No, no" She rushes out. "It's fine. I've got something stronger if you need it." Stronger? I could use a drink, but she pulls out a cigar. A cigar?

"A cigar, no thanks." Who smokes cigars and cigarettes? "I'm good." She chuckled and shook her head.

"No, it's weed. But fine more for me." I watch the light hit the paper and I smell the burning weed.

"Oh, you said stronger, so I thought you meant.." I stopped explaining myself, not caring anymore. "I'd love to smoke though, if you don't mind sharing." No one is home; I'd much rather not be alone and sober right now.

"No problem with that. I'm Olivia. I figured it'd be nice to smoke this outside of my house." This isn't her smoke spot then? She passes the blunt before hitting her smoke.

"Tyler. I thought you said this was your smoking spot?" The second hit, squeezes my lungs, I cough to get rid of the tickle and pass the blunt back.

"Just cigarettes, my parents don't know I smoke either," she gestures to the blunt and the pack of smokes, "this is the only place you can't see from outside it. I've been coming here forever. Everyone else stays out after dark and anyone who smoke is old enough. So 'smoke spot' was born. Why are you out here?" I think about it for a second. I look at her, and her soft eyes hit me hard.

"Clarity." The laugh that follows is hollow, empty. I try to smile at her.

She tries to pass the blunt back again, the end, looking like a burning candle. I don't need anymore. I watch her lay her back on the ground.

"Olivia?" I want to see her again soon. "Will you be here tomorrow night?" She looks towards me and sits back up. Collecting her things and standing up.

"Will you?" She places all the butts in a plastic water bottle, picking mine off the ground. She turns to walk away before waving and disappearing behind the walls of the willow.

Well, that was interesting. She was cool, I can't wait to see her again.

I think this is song tells a lot about Tyler dealing with his sister and how he handles all the pain going through his family. I decided that maybe one or two Tyler povs would give another lens to look through and now you can struggle knowing that Olivia doesn't know much and Tyler doesn't know much. So now you know everything. Thank you for reading! See you later!

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