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Rain cut our night short, so we texted for the rest of the night. I fell asleep in the middle of the goodnight text and his text confirmed that he knew.

2:21 a.m.
From Ty:
Goodnight, Liv. Thank you for everything tonight I really appreciate it.

I had to text him back even if it was late.

8:44 a.m.
To Ty:
Good morning! Thank you for the goodnight but you don't need to thank me. You would do the same for me.

I love being with him, he really brightens my world and him being down sucks. Helping him is the least I can do for what he does for me. He doesn't even have to try or do anything, just being himself is enough. I wish someone felt that way about me, they just want anything but me.

My stomach growled signally it needs food and soon. Pulling socks onto my cold feet and bounding down the stairs to the kitchen.

"Stefan! I missed you, how is everyone doing?" I watch him from a distance trying to stay out of his way.

"Well, Miss Olivia, everyone is doing well. Gloria and Junior say hello." His kids are the cutest ever and I can't get enough of them, Gloria is ten while Junior is six.

"Oh I miss them too much. You have to bring them again soon." I swoon. "What are you making?"

"I was thinking pancakes or waffles, what do you think?"

"Ooo, pancakes for sure."

"Like I had to ask. You never say waffles."

"Then why do you ask?" I laugh at him and he sticks his tongue out at me.

He finishes the pancakes after that and he has bacon on the side, making eggs for me after everything. My plate has two eggs, two pancakes, and three strips of bacon. The pancakes are fluffy and delicious as always.

"Thank you, Stefan. Couldn't be better."

"You are welcome." He left me to clean the kitchen and plan lunch.

I shoveled food into my mouth until my phone buzzes on the counter, swallowing the food, I see that it's a text from Tyler.

9:12 a.m.

From Ty: Good morning to you too! Are you up for another run? We can come back to mine after this time.

As much as my body was screaming no, I want to see him again. This seemed better than anything. I haven't smoked in a day; We skipped the cigarettes last night and went for the weed instead.

9:13 a.m.

To Ty: Yeah, sounds fun. Meet at the usual place in ten?

From Ty: Yep!

I walk up to the willow after getting changed and grabbing a jacket. He isn't here yet so I scroll through my phone, waiting.

"Hey, Liv." His face is still housing some scruff but his smile reaches his eyes today.

"Hi, Ty. How's it going?"

We started with a slow jog and continued our conversation as long as we could before running out of breath. It was easier to run today, my legs were screaming at me from yesterday but my lungs felt okay, not great but that's still better.

He slows down in front of me, the same place we stopped last time. He takes a seat on the log while I stay standing and stretch my legs to keep them awake.

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