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"What is different about Tyler and you compared with Josh and you? Was this time different from when you met Josh?"

I have to think about his question for a minute going back to the time I met Josh. 

"Yeah, I mean, Tyler took me on a date. Like he planned something out beforehand and we did that. I didn't even have to tell him anything, it was perfect." I clinch my hands together, thinking about another reason.

"When I was with Josh, things he would say made me want to go home. That happened every time I was with him. I haven't felt that way with Tyler. It's the little things that I didn't think mattered. Even if I don't end up with Tyler, he has shown me a lot more than Josh in a week."

I breathe out and watch a small smile appear on the doctor's face. "I'm glad you see this now. I'm sorry you had a bad week with Josh but I'm happy you found someone to talk to."

The bell for the session rings, signaling the end. I stand and grab my coat from the back of the chair. "I'm happy, too. I didn't even tell you the ironic part. He is a psychology major in college."

He laughs and opens his office door for me. "Be careful with those, know too much for their own good."

"Wait, weren't you one at a time?" I giggle at him and he raises his eyebrow.

"Uh, duh." He says in the most white girl accent he can.

I laugh and wave as I leave his office. "Bye, Matthew. I'll see you next week."

He chuckles again. "Bye, Olivia." Waving, he says one more thing.

"Remember, everyone has bad days it's how you deal with them that tells you what kind of person you are." He closes the door, leaving me in the lobby with Geri. He always gives a deep piece of advice before I leave his office.

The windows in the lobby let me see the parking lot, void of all cars. Being the last session of the day has its advantages, one being the empty lobby I wait in for my dad.

As I see the silver car pull in the lot, I say goodbye to Geri and step out of the building. "Bye, see you next week."

The car is already warm, and he starts back home as soon as my door shuts. "Hi, Dad."

"Hey kiddo, how was the appointment?"

"Good. Just a lot of talking." I joke and tell him a summary of the visit.

The twenty minute drive is short and there are two figures sit on the front porch waiting for me. Parking the car, my dad opens his door as I shut mine.

"Hey, guys." I get to them and hug Daisy first, turning to Tyler with a big smile.

"Tyler. This is my dad. Dad, this is Tyler."

Tyler sticks his hand out and gives a soft small. "Nice to meet you, Mister Giles."

"Nice to meet you too, son." The handshake last a few seconds before I turn to Daisy again.

"And this is his sister, Daisy." She waves beside Tyler, being more shy than when I met her.

"Nice to meet you, Daisy." She gives her a slight smile and waves back.

"I'm gonna check on your mother. I assume they are here to take you away for a little?"

I nod and say, "be back around eight."

"Okay, be safe, kiddo."

"Will do pops." I throw some finger guns at him and wink. He chuckles and disappears into our house.

I turn back to the others and smile again. "I missed you guys."

Tyler beams and throws an arm around me. "Me more, I hope."

"No. I missed Zee way more." I giggle and look at Daisy who is now smiling.

Tyler releases me and frowns. "How rude."

"You know I missed you, dork. But we saw each other I haven't seen Daisy in a while." I stick my tongue out at him and link arms with Daisy.

"Whatever." He says pouting. "Where should we go?"

"I was thinking our running spot, like the lookout. If you think she'd like it, since I know we do." I ramble, regretting giving my idea the more words I speak.

"That's perfect, we can walk and be there in like ten minutes." He walks ahead of us to the opening in the trees. Calming my nerves by watching my footing in the cluttered forest floor.

Tyler stays in front kicking rocks and watching them bounce of trees.

"So where were you with your dad?" Daisy voices breaks my stare from the ground, making sure I don't trip on the fallen branches.

"Oh. Uh, I was at my weekly therapy appointment."

"Oh." She stays silent for a second, making me regret my words again. "It's cool that you are so open about that. I don't know if I could tell someone my problems like that."

Her arm drops from mine and I spoke what I would've wanted to hear in my time of need.

"Well, actually, my parents forced me to. I didn't want to talk to anyone, I wanted to stay in my room and cry. Sleep consumed a lot of my days." I lower my voice, looking back to Tyler who is farther ahead because we continue to slow down as we talk.

"My mom found me one day after school. Trying to.." I swallow, thinking back to the look on my mom's face. "I was trying to kill myself."

Daisy gasps and stops walking completely.

The noise makes Tyler turn around. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing. She almost tripped." I look at Daisy, who nods at Tyler and we are walking again.

"I'm sorry. I didn't expect you to say that." Third regretful wave washing over me.

"It's okay, I haven't told him. I don't know if I will because that part of my life is over. But the therapy helps. Talking helps, therapy made it easier to talk to others. Bottling it up doesn't."

She looks to the ground, not meeting my eyes. "I feel selfish feeling like I do sometimes." Her voice is small and timid.

"I feel like that a lot. Still." I rub my wrist and look at her. "There's no reason to with all I have and had, I shouldn't feel like this but I do. You aren't alone, Daisy, I promise."

She meets my eyes finally. "I don't want to let anyone down."

I scoff and point to Tyler. "That man right there will be proud of you no matter what. He adores you to no end. You won't let anyone down. That doesn't mean you can't feel any way. You don't need a reason to be emotional, it'd be nice to have an explanation, but that's why you talk to people."

"Yeah, you're right. It feels like so much sometimes and then people are too busy dealing with their own lives."

"You are a part of their lives, I'm positive if you were gone it would be a lot worse than having to talk to you. If that's what you want. I know that's what Tyler wants."

She smiles cheerless. "Yeah. It was so upset in the car but I didn't want to breakdown or something."

"I've done that a few times, I've learned he is better with talking than silence, one hundred percent." I laugh, which causes her to giggle and nod.

"Thank you for talking to me. Or I guess answering questions." She shrugs and hugs me.

"If you ever need to talk, I will always be there for you." I hug her back and sigh. It feels good to tell that story again, which is surprising. Less weight on my chest.

We round another bend in the path and the opening comes into view, making Daisy jaw drop.

"Oh, wow. When did you guys find this place?" I laugh and reveal that we ran past this every morning. The look on her face is enough to say that she is happier than before.

Thank you for reading! Please let me know what you guys think. See you later!!

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