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liked by @dawson_rt, g_eazy, @yasminwijnaldum, @marieayla and 3,495 others

Tagged 👤: @dawson_rt

livelystassie: our little bundle of joy hoping what you are


marieayla: it's a girl for sure 🎀
g_eazy: a week more and we'll be home to see if it's another young Gerald
dawson_rt: it's going to be a girl another Stassie ughh I can't wait any longer 🎀
yasminwijnaldum: we'll be home soon to see the new addition of the family
spam_rays: *umm getting excited for nothing* oh let's see how will be this suppose documentary will turn out as they say, tbh they're not even married yet and think it's okay to have a baby?

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A week later Gerald, Ayla and Yasmin arrives back to LA. That day it was the appointment of the gender. Yasmin and Dawson's mother went with Dawson and Anastasia. The doctor knew they wanted to be a surprise. Yasmin and Dawson's mother left with the nurse to get the results. They both got an envelope of the results. They opened the envelope out in the waiting room as Anastasia was getting the ultrasound and Dawson stayed there with here. "So it's normal that the belly is that size? Like it's not a big baby." Dawson asked "is a small baby or normal size baby?" He was worried and Anastasia laughed as he hold his arm
"Sir the baby is perfectly fine, the baby is in the normal size, healthy. Does the baby move a lot?" The doctor answers "it's okay. I know you both are first time parents. So it's a surprise? Or you guys wanna know now?" They both looked at each other
"Well the baby moves a lot at night and day." Anastasia answers "yes my mom and his mom are here to get the results since we planned it that way." She looks at Dawson "hey the baby is healthy and fine. Relax a little bit." Dawson kisses Anastasia's forehead as they admire looking at their baby. They heard the heartbeat.

Yasmin and daws mother gasped of excitement when they seen the results "Aww they're going to be so happy. Stassie wanted a boy." Yasmin said as she was tearing up "they'll be a great parents."
"Dawson deep down wanted a boy, he didn't have his father around this will be a chance for him to be a different person now for his son." His mother said as she was tearing up "my son is finally happy ever since he met Stassie. He talked about having kids with her he was definitely saying his truths."
"We shouldn't tell them but instead plan them a small party to reveal the gender. In two weeks or three." Yasmin commented "I won't say anything to my husband because he'll ruin it." The appointment was over they went home. Yasmin invite Dawson's mom to come over their house. Dawson and Anastasia has the photos of the ultrasound.

Gerald was excited as Ayla. Vivan was taking her nap. They walked in the room. "So what happened? Did you find out yet?" Gerald asked
"Not even a Hi to anyone." Yasmin said "and no Stassie or Dawson know what is the gender of they're baby but me and Dawson's mother Sheryl. Which I invited for dinner." Dawsons mother waved hi. Gerald was upset then he was about to talk "nope I won't take any bribery so you will get to know of the gender because it's not yours remember."
"Come on dad, we're not going to know until the reveal or the day that I give birth to my baby." Anastasia said "and Yasmin and Sheryl are in charge of this. Ayla I would ask you but you're so busy."
"It's okay sister. I can't believe that I'm a part of this. So did you guys get any photos of the baby?" Ayla asked. Dawson pulled it out and showed it to everyone. "It's a boy. It looks like dawson. The nose and the lips." She shows Gerald "see there."
"Really I thought it looks like a girl." Dawson said "it does have my nose, my lips. Whatever we have I'll love it. I still have my fingers crossed it's a girl." He kisses Anastasia "but we don't know the real results. my mom and Yasmin that have the results."
"It's does look like a boy. The fingers, the lips, the nose. See how the body looks like. It might have Dawson's height when he's his age." Gerald said "ah the next young Gerald in the family. If it's cool with you both." He asked Anastasia and Dawson. They laughed knowing he's excited.
"Well we both have the actual results of the gender and me and Sheryl will plan something and it'll be small for us close family and friends." Yasmin said
"You guys should wear all white and the guest can dress as the color pink if they think it's a girl or color blue if they think it's a boy." Sheryl said "and we'll have some games and some creative things. Just let us handle it." Anastasia and dawson smiled.
"For now continue doing what you guys have been doing then after the gender reveal party the baby shower. Oh my god this is so exciting!" Yasmin said.

Dawson and Anastasia were confused about it's since they didn't know what we're they expecting to have as a child. Gerald was for sure of the baby was going to be a boy. Which that made Yasmin more annoyed. He's thrilled because he'll be a grandpa well the cool grandpa. Yasmin and Dawson's mother had a plan but for now it's back to their routine.

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