Chapter 13

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*Brittany POV*

I'm so excited to go on tour with my family and the love of my life. But what will happen when he leaves again. Maybe he can stay the hole tour.....No I mean his mom and family wants to see him and I don't want to do that to them. I need to talk to Aaron, maybe he can help me with this. I got entangled from Matt,got dressed,and headed to Aaron's room. I walked into his room to see him talking to someone on the phone. Once he saw me he hung up. What's up Britt,Aaron said. Who was that,I asked as I sat on his bed. That was mom she wants to see us,he said as I got angry. Well I'm not seeing them you can,I sad with attitude. Come on Britt they want to see us,Aaron said starting to be angry. No I'm not seeing them. You can but not me,I said crossing my arms over my chest. Fine but they miss you,Aaron said with puppy dog eyes. Well I don't miss them,I said. Ok so why did you come in here,he asked. I need your help with Matt,I said looking at my lap. What's wrong,he asked. I dont think I can go that long without seeing him,I said as I began to cry. Well it's his call if he wants to come on tour with us he can but if he wants to stay home he can, Aaron said trying to comfort me. Ok thanks Aaron,I said as I hugged him. Your welcome sis,he said as he picked up his phone. After my talk with Aaron I went back to my room to lay down. I walk in to see Matt still asleep. I walk over to my bed,get in,and snuggle close to Matt. I missed you,Matt said into my hair. I missed you to,I said with a smile. As I got even closer to Matt his grip on me got tighter. Matt,I said with a sigh. What is it babe,he said looking at me. I don't think I can go months without seeing you,I said beginning to cry. Awee babe that won't happen, he said as he brought me into him. And I really don't want to take you away from your family,I said into his chest. That's when it hit me........we have to break up......

*Matt POV*

She is right, I mean I love her but I also love my family and I know that if I leave Brittany it will kill her and me. If I leave my parents for Brittany it will break there hearts. I don't know what to do. I love her but I love my parents. Maybe if I asked my mom maybe she will let me stay on the tour and finish it. But then again I miss my mom. But I love and miss Brittany...... this is going to be difficult.....

Are you ok Matt,Brittany asked whipping her eyes. Yeah I'm just thinking,I said as I brought her closer to me. I know it's a lot to think about,she said above a whisper. Yes it is,I said as I began to play with her hair. What do we do,she asked looking at me. I don't know,I said looking up at the ceiling. I think we know what to do we just don't want to say,she said snuggling back into me. I know but I can't lose you I finally got you,I said looking at her. You always had me and you always will,she said looking at me. Just promise me you won't move on if I don't,I said holding out my pinky. I promise,she said as she wrapped her pinky around my pinky. For the rest of the time she was in my arms.

*Brittany POV*

I miss him already and he hasn't even left yet. This is going to be hard. We spent the rest of the day in my bed cuddling and talking. Maybe this won't be as bad as I's gunna be worse. That night the thought that I would not see Matt for 3 months never left my head. I mean I leave in 2 days. I want to try and spend as much with him as I can because he is leaving to go back home that same day. After a while of thinking I got comfortable in Matt's arms and I was out in seconds

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